一、招生专业 Programs
(一)英文授课专业 Programs Taught in English
1.城市治理研究院Institute of Urban Governance
政治传播学Political Communication
2.传播学院School of Media and Communication
新闻传播学Journalism and Communication
3.电子与信息工程学院College of Electronics and Information Engineering
信息与通信工程Information and Communications Engineering
4.高等研究院Institute for Advanced Study
市政环境与公共健康Municipal Environment and Public Health
5.管理学院College of Management
管理科学与工程Management Science and Engineering
6.机电与控制工程学院College of Mechatronics and Control Engineering
光机电工程与应用Optomechatronics Engineering and Application
7.计算机与软件学院 College of Computer Science and Software Engineering
计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology
8. 建筑与城市规划学院School of Architecture and Urban Planning
城市空间信息工程Urban Information
9.经济学院、中国经济特区研究中心School of Economics;China Center for Special Economic Zone Research
理论经济学Theoretical Economics
10.生命与海洋科学学院College of Life Sciences & Oceanography
11.数学与统计学院The College of Mathematics and Statistics
12.土木与交通工程学院College of Civil and Transportation Engineering
土木工程 Civil Engineering
13.微纳光电子学研究院 Institute of Microscale Optoelectronics
光学工程Optical Engineering
14.物理与光电工程学院 College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering
光学工程Optical Engineering
15. 医学部School of Medicine
生物医学工程Biomedical Engineering
生物医学工程(理)Biomedical Engineering (Sciences)
生物医学工程(医)Biomedical Engineering (Medicine)
(二)中文授课专业 Programs Taught in Chinese
1.化学与环境工程学院College of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering
2.人文学院School of Humanities
中国语言文学Chinese Language and Literature
二、 学习方式和学习年限 Study form and duration
Full-time study
The normal duration is 3 years, with the maximum of 5 years.
三、申请资格 Eligibility
The applicant should be non-Chinese citizens with valid foreign passports, and should be good in physical and mental health and shall abide by the laws and regulations of China and the rules of school.
Applicants should hold Master’s degree or above, and should be under the age of 40. Applicants who have not graduated can provide expected graduation certificate for submitting application while the official diploma must be provided before enrollment.
3.满足相应的语言水平要求(证书须在有效期内) 。
Applicants should meet the corresponding language level requirements (The language proficiency certificate must be within the validity period).
(1)中文授课专业Programs taught in Chinese:
HSK 5 with scores above 180
(2)英文授课专业Programs taught in English:
English proficiency certificate
* 母语为汉语或英语者经我校认定可免交相应语言水平证明。
Native speakers of Chinese or English can be exempted from the corresponding language proficiency certificate after being recognized by our university.
四、申请时间及流程 Application Time and Method
(一)申请时间 Application Time
From 21st February to 15th May
(二)申请流程 Application Procedure
Contact the potential supervisor (as shown in the below list )and ask for a Letter of Recommendation(see as attachment) from him/her if possible.
2.请登陆国际交流学院网站http://lxs.szu.edu.cn/ 在线报名。
Please log on website of CIE: http://lxs.szu.edu.cn to register online.
Log in system and fill in personal information and visa information, upload documents as required, then submit application.
五、申请材料 Application Materials
Please prepare the following materials before applying:
Certificate and diploma of Master's degree. Graduates shall provide pre-graduation certificate. Those who have not graduated from master program submit a pre-graduation certificate which shows your expected graduation time and present your original certification, transcripts, and translations when you register.
The transcripts of all courses during postgraduate period
Two Letters of Recommendation (Signed by professors or associate professors in Chinese or English with the name of the referral and contact information)
One piece of Self-statement ( around 1500 words, and written in English or Chinese, and should include: the intended major and supervisor, personal experience of study and work, academic research results etc.)
Photo Copy of Passport Info Page
Passport Photo
A Letter of Recommendation from potential supervisor.
8. 语言水平证明
Language Proficiency Certificate
Resume (from primary school to now)
Foreigner Physical Examination Form
11.无犯罪记录证明 (原件扫描件及中文翻译件)
Non-criminal Record Report (both original and Chinese translated copies)
* 除上述申请材料外,申请人须根据我校的要求,按时提交其他补充材料。
In addition to the application materials detailed above, applicants should submit other supplementary materials in time to the requirements of SZU.
* 以上材料均须中文或英文版本,其他语种须提供翻译件的公证件。
Documents other than Chinese or English are required to be translated and notarized.
* 申请材料不全者不予受理。不论录取与否,以上材料一律不予退还。
Applicants who provide incomplete materials will not be accepted. The materials above won’t be returned whether you are admitted or not.
六、录取流程 Admission Procedure
After the application deadline, SZU will organize a panel of experts to review the application documents. SZU will admit doctoral applicants based on the overall assessment of theirs scores and all other supporting documents. During the process, long-distance or face-to-face interviews will be conducted, if necessary.
In June, 2022, pre-admission results will be sent to applicants via email.
In July, 2022, after confirmation of the list of admitted applicants, admission materials will be posted to applicants according to the address provided by the applicants on the application form.
Students who are accepted should apply for the X1 visa at their country’s Chinese Embassy (or Chinese Consulate) with “Shenzhen University Admission Notice” and “Visa Application for Study in China(JW202)”, and change X1 visa into a Residence permit for Foreign Students within 30 days after they enter China. Students who don’t apply for the relevant visa and residence permit will have to drop out. SZU doesn’t accept students with non-student visas.
Students who are accepted must register at the date and the address according to “Shenzhen University Admission Notice”. Registration in advance will not be accepted.
The original graduation certificate, language proficiency certificate, etc. will be checked again at the time of registration. Those who fail to provide certificate document or fail the certificate verification will be canceled the admission.
七、学费与奖助学金等其它待遇 Tuition fees and scholarship and other fees
1.报名费: 200元 Application Fee: 200RMB
医学/艺术/体育类:52000 元/年
Tuition Fee for Liberal Arts: 34,000 RMB/year
Tuition Fee for Science and Engineering: 40,000 RMB/year
Tuition Fee for Medicine/Arts/Physical: 52,000 RMB/year
3.奖助学金 Scholarship and Grants
University scholarship for Liberal Arts: 34,000 RMB/year
University scholarship for Science and Engineering: 40,000 RMB/year
University scholarship for Medicine/Arts/Physical: 52,000 RMB/year
University scholarship is used to pay tuition fees.
(2) 基本助学金 Basic Grants
SZU will provide a basic stipend of 40,000RMB per year which will be offered by 12 months.
(3)导师科研津贴 Research allowance from supervisors
Supervisors will provide a monthly allowance of 1,000RMB for doctoral students as research subsidies or academic exchange subsidies.
(4)其它奖学金 Available Scholarship
Guangdong Government Outstanding International Student Scholarship is available for outstanding foreign students. The amount is 30,000 Yuan/person.
* 延长学习期间的第一年,留学博士生可享受学校基本奖助学金,之后的延长学习期间不再享受上述待遇。
Students can have preferential treatment such as scholarships, grants fees for the first extended year of study. Such preferential treatment is not available from the second extended year of study.
4.住宿与保险 Accommodation and Insurance
Accommodation: single rooms, double rooms and en suites are all available. The fees vary from 5,400 to 10,000 RMB for per student per semester. Students need to pay for the selected type of dormitory by themselves. (Water and electricity charges are not included)
Insurance: 400RMB/semester. International students should purchase the group all-risk insurance designated by SZU. Students are required to purchase insurance from the College of International Exchange on registration day. Those who do not purchase the insurance as required will not be able to get registered.
八、联系方式 Contact Information
地址:广东省深圳市南海大道3688号深圳大学综合楼3楼 518060
Add: 3rd Floor, Zonghe building, Shenzhen University, 3688 Nanhai Ave, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518060
Tel: 0755-26558894
E-mail: szulxs@szu.edu.cn