The Introduction of College of Life Sciences and Oceanography of Shenzhen University
The College of Life Sciences and Oceanography of Shenzhen University originated from the Laboratory of Life Sciences founded in 1989. In 1997, the Department of Bioengineering was established. In 2002, the College of Life Sciences (CLS) was established, and Academician Jiazan Ni of the Chinese Academy of Sciences served as the first dean. In June 2015, CLS was renamed as College of Life Sciences and Oceanography (CLSO).
CLSO consists of world renowned and well-reputed faculties, including academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences. CLSO is comprised of five undergraduate majors, including Biotechnology, Biological sciences, Biological sciences (normal), Marine sciences, and Biological engineering. Among them, Biotechnology is a top-ranked and characteristic specialty in Guangdong Province. Biosciences is a characteristic major in Guangdong Province. CLSO also consists of two master's degree authorization locations of primary discipline, including biology, ecology, and one doctoral degree authorization location of primary discipline in biology. In CLSO, there are excellent equipments serving for teaching and research, with a total value of 180 million RMB. In addition, there are multiple high-level platforms as well as key laboratories, including three key research platforms of Guangdong Province (Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory for Plant Epigenetics, Guangdong Technology Research Center for Marine Algae Bioengineering, Biological Science Teaching Experimental Center), three Shenzhen key laboratories (Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Microbial Genetic Engineering, Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Marine Bioresource and Eco-environmental Science, Shenzhen Engineering Laboratory for Marine Algal Biotechnology), nine university-level institutes (centers), and public technology platforms for proteomics, genomics, structural biology, and molecular and cell biology.
CLSO is dedicated to scientific research and innovation. Over the past 3 years, the college undertook 189 scientific research projects with a total funding of nearly 160 million RMB, including two key research and development plans of the Ministry of Science and Technology, 51 national natural science fund projects (including one major research plan and one major cultivation project). There are two provincial and ministerial level scientific and technological achievement awards, 58 national invention patent authorization obtained, and 331 SCI-indexed papers published. In 2019, a full research article was published in Nature with Shenzhen University as the first affiliation for the first time since the establishment of Shenzhen University.
CLSO aims at cultivating innovative and entrepreneurial students with fruitful results There are "Innovation Experiment Class", "Entrepreneurship Practice Class" and "Ocean Elite Class", as well as the "3+1+1" joint training project with Auckland University of Technology and Michigan Technological University. CLSO also cooperated with over 60 biotechnology-related enterprises in Shenzhen to implement the "Industry-University-Research" integrated talent training program. Our students have achieved outstanding results in international and domestic competition, including 11 international awards, 24 national awards and 21 provincial awards in the six major domestic and international discipline and skill competitions. The students have also won the highest prize of the "Challenge Cup" National College Students Extracurricular Science and Technology Competition, and some were selected as the "Xiaoping Technology Innovation Team". The iGEM (International Genetic Engineering Machine Competition) team won five gold and one bronze medals, three individual awards and five individual nominations. In 2018, the iGEM team won the third place in the undergraduate group in the world, which was the best achievement among the Asian college competition teams that year.
Adhering to the philosophy of "Study the origin of life, investigate the source of ocean, build the way of science, and cultivate the talents for innovation ", CLSO cultivates high-quality talents for innovation and entrepreneurship with the spirit of reform and innovation.
Introduction of Biology
1-Faculties: Professors 38, Associate Professors 25, Assistant Professors 24;
2-Academic Institutions and Platforms including Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory for Plant Epigenetics, Guangdong Technology Research Center for Marine Algae Bioengineering, Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Marine Bioresource and Eco-environmental Science et al.
3-Research Groups: (1) Chemical Biology; (2) Hydrobiology; (3) Plant Science; (4) Physiology and Molecular Biology; (5) Marine Biology/Ecology; (6) Marine Research Centre; (7) Microbiology Science
中文姓名 |
谢宁 |

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中文简介 |
谢宁,深圳大学生命与海洋科学院副教授,副院长,博士生导师,广东省杰出青年基金获得者。2014年博士毕业于巴黎第七大学(现巴黎西岱大学),博士课题在巴黎萨克雷大学微生物遗传研究所完成。博士毕业后在法国国家科研中心做博士后,2015年进入深圳大学工作。专注于丝状真菌研究多年,主要从事丝状真菌衰老、有性生殖遗传调控机制和系统发育及分类等研究。通过发掘真菌资源、解析真菌发育调控机制和改造工业菌株等研究手段,推动真菌工业菌株的转化及应用。主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划子课题、广东省自然科学基金,广东省教育厅特色创新项目和深圳市自然科学基金等10余项科研项目。带领团队在Biotecnhology advances、Fungal diversity、Mycosphere、Environmental microbiology、Journal of fungi、Frontiers in microbiology和Developmental biology等杂志上发表研究论文30余篇,其中热点论文2篇(前1‰),高被引论文4篇,申请发明专利4项,研究成果获得省部级科技进步二等奖(第2完成人)。指导本科生参加比赛多次获奖,2018年作为共同指导老师参加国际基因工程机器大赛(iGEM)进入Finalist,获得全球第三名,同时获“最佳制造类项目奖”和“最佳产品设计”两个单项奖,是当年亚洲高校最佳成绩。目前指导研究生3名,指导的多名学生赴国内外知名高校继续深造。担任中国发酵产业协会微生物育种工程与应用评价分会理事、农业农村部农药登记评审委员会委员,深圳市微生物基因工程重点实验室副主任。2015年被认定为深圳市高层次人才,2017年被认定为南山区领航人才,2022被评为深圳大学“优秀硕士研究生导师”。
英文简介 |
Xie Ning, Associate Professor, Deputy dean of college of life science and Oceanography. He has researched in mycology for 16 years. His research is mainly in the following two directions.
1. Characterization of the mechanism of the fruiting bodies development in a filamentous fungus Podospora anserina.The fruiting body is an important sexual reproduction organ for fungi.The regulation mechanism of fruiting body formation has not been completely studied. We used different methods to study the regulation mechanism of fruiting body development in a model filamentous fungus Podospora anserina. 2.Diversity and Salt Tolerance Mechanisms in Marine Fungi. Marine fungi represent a diverse group that inhabits various saline environments, from mangroves to deep-sea ecosystems. These fungi play vital ecological roles, including decomposing organic matter and participating in nutrient cycling. Additionally, many marine fungi have adapted to thrive in high-salt conditions, displaying unique salt tolerance mechanisms. Understanding the salt tolerance mechanisms in marine fungi is crucial, as it offers insights into how organisms adapt to extreme environments and could have potential applications in biotechnology, including bioremediation. We used various methods to explore the diversity of marine fungi and study the physiological and molecular mechanisms behind their salt tolerance. Research funds: National Key R&D Program of China; National Natural Science Foundation of China; Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund of Guangdong Province.
中文姓名 |
刘琼 |
英文名 |
Qiong Liu |
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1987和1990年于华中科技大学分别获学士和硕士学位;1990-1995年任教华中科技大学。1995-1999年于丹麦Roskilde大学先后作访问学者和助研并于1998年获博士学位。1999-2000年于瑞典Karolinska研究所作博士后。2000-2005年为华中科技大学副教授;2006为深圳大学教授。长期致力于微量元素生物效应研究。近年着重研究阿尔茨海默症早期检测方法和干预药物。主持科研项目国家级6项、省部级4项、市级4项。发表学术论文百余篇、专利13项、专著章节6本。获深圳市自然科学二等奖、教育部高等学校自然科学二等奖,深圳市孔雀计划B类人才。 |
英文简介 |
Qiong Liu received her Bachelor and Master of Science Degrees from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 1987 and 1990, respectively, and started to teach at the same university from 1990 to 1995. From 1995-1999, she became a visiting scholar and then a research assistant at Roskilde University in Denmark, and received her Ph.D. Degree in 1998. From 1999-2000, she did her postdoctoral work at the Institute of Karolinska, Sweden. From 2000 to 2005, she was an associate professor of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. From 2006 till now, she has been being a professor of Shenzhen University and committed to the study of trace elements and their biological effects. In recent years, her scientific researches focus on Alzheimer’s disease, especially the method of early-stage detection and the drugs of prevention and treatment. She has presided over 14 scientific research projects and published more than 100 academic papers, patents and monograph chapters. She was awarded the second prizes of Natural Science from the Shenzhen Municipal Government and the Ministry of Education of China, as well as the class B talent of Shenzhen Peacock Program.
中文姓名 |
刘刚 |
英文名 |
Gang Liu |
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中文简介 |
1997年毕业于浙江大学生生物工程系,获博士学位。1999年至2001年于香港理工大学应用生物与化学科技系做博士后研究,2001年至今任深圳大学生物工程系副教授、教授。主要研究方向为应用微生物学和酶基因工程。我们的研究致力于筛选新的纤维素酶和辅助活性蛋白,提高木质素纤维素的酶水解效率,促进二代生物炼制技术的工业化应用。我们在里氏木霉中建立了高效的蛋白质表达系统。利用这些表达系统,通过RNA干扰、基因敲除或过度表达来调节里氏木霉中纤维素酶转录因子如XyrI、CreI、Ace I等的表达水平,并获得纤维素酶生产率提高的重组里氏木霉菌株。通过在里氏木霉表达系统中表达基因和纯化重组蛋白,筛选并鉴定了许多新的纤维素酶和裂解多糖单氧化酶。现在我们正在研究裂解多糖单氧化酶的高通量测定方法,并指导这些酶的进化。在研项目:国家自然科学基金项目、广东省自然科学基金、深圳市基础研究重点项目。 |
英文简介 |
Ph. D, Zhejiang University, Biochemical Engineering (1997). Postdoc, the HongKong Polytech University (2001). We are interested in screening new cellulase and auxiliary active proteins for lignin cellulose and improving their productivity for second generation biorefinery applications. We have established efficient protein expression systems in Trichoderma reesei. Using these expression systems, we modulated the expression levels of the cellulase transcription factors such as XyrI, CreI, Ace I, etc., in T. reesei through RNA interference, gene knockout, or over expression, and obtained recombinant T. reesei strains with elevated cellulase productivity. We have screened and characterized a number of new cellulases and lytic polysacchride monooxidases through expressing the genes in the T. reesei expression systems and purifiing the recombinant proteins. Now we are working on high througput assay methods for lytic polysacchride monooxidase and directed evolution of these enzymes. Research funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China Project, Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, the Shenzhen Municipal Science and Technology Basic Research Program |
中文姓名 |
贾彬 |

英文名 |
Jia Bin |
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Male, Doctor of Science, associate researcher, master supervisor, high-level talent in Shenzhen. He is currently an assistant professor and deputy director of the Department of Marine Sciences at the School of Life and Ocean Sciences, Shenzhen University. He is mainly engaged in molecular biology research related to microalgae. He established multi-gene expression regulation technology in microalgae, and realized the high level expression of multiple functional proteins and secondary metabolites in microalgae. He has presided over 5 national, provincial and municipal research projects, published more than ten related academic papers, and completed 8 invention patents.
中文姓名 |
尚琛晶 |

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Chenjing Shang |
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Dr. Chenjing Shang is currently an Scientific Reseracher at College of Life Sciences and Oceanography, Shenzhen University, China. Dr. Shang’s research interest covers marine ecology and Sustainable use of marine resources (marine bio-energy, marine renewable energy, etc.) . Chenjing obtained her Ph.D. in Applied Biological Sciences from Ghent University, Belgium, in 2015. Then she carried out post-doc researches in the Chinese Academy of Sciences (2016-2018). She has presided over 10 scientific research projects and published over 30 academic papers, 9 patents and 4 book chapters. She was awarded “Pearl River Talent Plan” overseas young talents introduction program of Guangdong Province and the talent of Shenzhen Peacock Program. Research funds: National Key R&D Program of China; National Natural Science Foundation of China; Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund of Guangdong Province. |
中文姓名 |
王江新 |

英文名 |
Jiangxin (John)WANG |
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王江新,遗传学博士,深圳大学生命与海洋科学学院教授。1996年入中科院水生所学习藻类分类及分子生物学;2002年在巴黎高等师范学校(École Normale Supérieure, ENS,Paris)从事蓝藻蛋白组及生物信息学研究;2004-2014年分别在美国亚利桑那州大学做博士后,涉及微藻环境分子毒理和微藻生物能源研究;亚利桑那州大学生物设计研究所从事系统生物学及合成生物学、单细胞组学研究。迄今,共发表论文110余篇,引用4,299余次,H-index 33(截止2024年9月),以第一发明人拥有中国专利6项,申请专利6项。2014年加入深圳大学生命与海洋科学学院,以裸藻作为主要研究对象,进行基础研究和成果转化。主要从事以下几个方面的研究:1)微藻系统生物学;2)微藻合成生物学。开发高通量的微藻基因组编辑技术,兴趣集中在生物能源及高附加值生物产品(如DHA和虾青素)以及人工合成细胞器;3)单细胞组学。研究方法涉及单细胞的获取、单细胞qRT-PCR、单细胞转录组分析;4)课题组也致力于各种裸藻功能性活性物质的大规模化生产、提取及终端产品的研发和产业化。
英文简介 |
Jiangxin Wang received his PhD degree in Genetics from the Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China in 2003. After graduation he then joined the laboratory of Dr. Jean Houmard at the Department of Biologie at the CNRS-ENS, Paris, in 2003 as a postdoctoral researcher. He also worked at Arizona State University, Tempe, US as a research associate and research scientist from 2004 to 2012. Dr. Wang now is a Professor at the School of Life Sciences and Oceanography, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China. His research is focused on bioactive compounds from marine and freshwater microbes and single-celled OMICS. In particular, Dr. Wang is interested in a green protist, Euglena gracilis, and the role of paramylon (beat-1,3-glucan) in the immune system and the possibilities of using paramylon as potential function foods and prodrugs. Dr. Wang is using systems biology and synthetic biology tools to fulfill his academic goals. Also, he is the associate editor of Frontiers in Pharmacology. Dr. Wang currently published 110 peer-reviewed scientific articles, with 31 H-index and total 4,299 citations (until September, 2024). |
中文姓名 |
周海超 |

英文名 |
Zhou Haichao |
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中文简介 |
周海超,理学博士,长聘副教授/特聘研究员。近20年致力于生态学研究工作,特别是河口与滨海红树林湿地生态系统功能研究与生态修复,具体研究兴趣包括:1)近海与河口生态系统的生物地球化学循环与生态功能研究;2)红树林等典型滨海湿地的生态恢复技术探索与应用;3)红树林湿地生态系统生物多样性维持机理与提升技术研发。主持国家自然科学基金(青年和面上基金)、科技部重点研发计划子课题、广东省自然科学基金、深圳市科创委基础研究重点项目和可持续发展科技专项,以及企业科研服务项目等40余个。主要研究成果已发表SCI论文70余篇,Google学术的个人h-index为27,近5年引用超过1300次。先后获得深圳市海外高层次人才,深圳市高层次人才和深圳大学新锐研究生导师。 |
英文简介 |
Zhou Haichao, PhD, Associate Professor. With nearly 20 years of experience in ecology, Dr. Zhou focuses on the functions and ecological restoration of estuarine and coastal mangrove wetland ecosystems. His research interests include: 1) Biogeochemical cycles and ecological functions of coastal and estuarine ecosystems; 2) Exploration and application of ecological restoration techniques for mangroves and other coastal wetlands; 3) Mechanisms and enhancement techniques for maintaining biodiversity in mangrove ecosystems. He has led over 40 projects, including those funded by the National Natural Science Foundation, the Ministry of Science and Technology, Guangdong Province, and various industry partnerships. His research has resulted in over 70 SCI publications, with a Google Scholar h-index of 27 and more than 1,300 citations in the past five years. Dr. Zhou has received awards such as Shenzhen Overseas High-Level Talent and Shenzhen High-Level Talent.