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学科及导师简介(土木工程)Program and Supervisor Profiles(Civil Engineering)
作者:        发布时间:2021-10-26 14:34        点击数:



Civil Engineering


College of Civil and Transportation Engineering relies on the construction of teaching and research platforms including national research laboratories, national engineering center, provincial advantageous key disciplines, provincial key laboratories and provincial experimental teaching demonstration center. Through the continuous support of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, science fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, major international cooperation projects of NSFC, key projects, international science and technology cooperation projects of the Ministry of science and technology and many other major national projects, some research directions have obtained significant impact globally. The college has become a leading training base for innovative composite talents in coastal civil engineering with certain international influence. In recent 5 years, it has won a number of leading research achievements, including the 2nd Prize of National Technical Invention (twice).The college has strong teaching resources, including 3 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 3 winners of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 1 member of the Discipline Steering Committee of Engineering Management of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, 3 winners of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 55 doctoral supervisors, 37 professors and 38 associate professors. More than 98% of the faculties have doctoral degrees. All the faculties are graduated from famous universities globally.

The program primarily focuses on dealing with science and technological challenges of key infrastructure projects in coastal region. Research topics include: (1) Disaster prevention of underground structures and exploitation of geothermal energy;(2) Smart tunnelling engineering and underground engineering; (3) Life-cycle design and performance promotion of structures; (4) Urban spatial information engineering; (5) Design and application of sustainable civil engineering materials for resilient infrastructure


Advanced Soil Mechanics》、《Advanced Rock Mechanics》、《Reliability Design Method for Coastal Concrete Structures》、《Health Analysis and Assessment of Infrastructures》、《Modern Analysis and Testing Technology of Civil Materials,  etc.


This major can be employed in real estate development enterprises, architectural design units, relevant government departments, civil engineering infrastructure construction units, etc. it can also engage in research and teaching in scientific research institutions, colleges and universities. It has a wide range of employment and good employment prospects





Xiangsheng Chen






Dr. Xiangsheng Chen has, a Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering, been offered the position of Distinguished Professor by the board of Shenzhen University. And he is a famous expert in tunnelling and underground engineering, urban rail transit engineering, intelligent geotechnical engineering, geotechnical engineering under extreme conditions, artificial frozen soil mechanics and artificially ground freezing technology, shaft construction engineering, and ground move controlling.

His interesting areas are tunneling and underground engineering, resilience underground structure, urban rail transit engineering, intelligent geotechnical engineering, geotechnical engineering under extreme conditions, artificial frozen soil mechanics, shaft construction engineering, ground move controlling for underground close works,  modern construction technologies (artificially ground freezing technology, comprehensive grouting, tunnel mining method and shield tunneling method intelligent technology), intelligent geotechnical engineering, status RT diagnosis and intelligent digital twin study on underground structure, geotechnical centrifuge modeling technology, HOD collaborative planning study on urban space.





Guan Minsheng





Guan Minsheng, Ph.D., is an associate professor and doctoral supervisor. He is accredited as the National Grade A Registered Structural Engineer and is recognized as the Shenzhen High-level Professional Talent. He mainly engaged in research on the structural seismic resilience, mechanical properties of composite structures, mechanical properties of assembled components and joints, and theory and method of structural seismic design. He has presided over a number of national scientific research projects such as a general project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, a sub-project of major project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, a sub-project of national key research and development plan, and an open project of State Key Laboratory. He published more than 50 academic papers, applied for or was authorized 38 national patents including one international PCT patent as the first inventor. He also obtained nine software copyrights. For his significant contributions, he was awarded the first prize of Guangdong Province Science and Technology Progress Award for Technological Invention and the first prize of China Industry-University-Research Cooperation Innovation Achievement Award. Additionally, he obtained the first prize of Shenzhen Scientific and Technological Progress Award.





HUANG Zhenyu



博士,副教授,博导,入选美国斯坦福大学与Elsevier“全球前2%顶尖科学家”榜单,广东省杰出青年基金获得者,深圳市海外高层次人才(孔雀计划人才),深圳大学荔园优青获得者。现任中国钢结构协会钢-混凝土组合结构分会理事会理事,中国钢结构协会理事会理事。2015年获新加坡国立大学哲学博士学位。主要从事钢混凝土组合结构、模块化装配式建筑结构、超轻质高性能绿色混凝土、海洋FRP/-混凝土复合材料与结构科研工作。在海洋工程复合材料与结构领域发表学术论文70余篇,其中SCI期刊论文60余篇(ASCE-JSE, Engineering Structures, Composite Structures等)。授权美国发明专利1项、中国发明专利20项。主持和参加国家省市科研项目10余项,包括主持国家面上、青基;广东省杰青项目、面上等。科研成果获广东省科技进步奖二等奖;美国混凝土协会ACI (新加坡分会)高性能混凝土项目竞赛金奖和银奖;获第八届钢结构和铝合金结构国际会议唯一最佳组合结构论文奖;获首届国际钢结构研究及应用会议最佳论文奖。担任期刊《Sustainable Structures》、《建筑钢结构进展》、《硅酸盐通报》编委和超过30个国内外土木工程领域著名期刊审稿人。


Dr. Zhenyu Huang is an Associate Professor and PhD supervisor recognized among the “World’s Top 2% Scientists” by Stanford University and Elsevier. He is a recipient of the Guangdong Outstanding Youth Fund, a Shenzhen High-Level Overseas Talent (Peacock Talent Program), and a Liyuan Young Scholar at Shenzhen University. Dr. Huang currently serves on the council of the Steel-Concrete Composite Structures Committee of the China Steel Structure Association and the council of the China Steel Structure Association. He earned his PhD from the National University of Singapore in 2015.

Dr. Huang’s research focuses on steel-concrete composite structures, prefabricated modular construction, ultra-lightweight high-performance green concrete, and marine FRP/steel-concrete composite materials and structures. He has published over 70 academic papers in the field of marine engineering composites and structures, with more than 60 articles in SCI journals, including ASCE-JSE, Engineering Structures, and Composite Structures. He holds one U.S. patent and 20+ Chinese patents, and has led or participated in over 10 national, provincial, and municipal research projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) projects and the Guangdong Outstanding Youth Fund project.

Dr. Huang’s research has earned him numerous accolades, including the Second Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress in Guangdong Province, a Gold and Silver award in the High-Performance Concrete Competition from the American Concrete Institute (Singapore Chapter), the Best Composite Structure Paper Award at the 8th International Conference on Steel and Aluminum Structures, and the Best Paper Award at the First International Conference on Steel Structure Research and Application. He serves on the editorial boards for three journals, and reviews for over 30 renowned journals worldwide.





Li Lixiao





Dr. Li Lixiao’s research interests include structural wind engineering, offshore wind power structure optimization, and the development of Ordered metamaterials. He currently serves as the assistant dean of the School of Civil and Transportation Engineering. He has been honored as Shenzhen Outstanding Teachers, Shenzhen Overseas High-level Talents, Shenzhen High-level Talents. He has presided over 12 national, provincial, and municipal projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, and Guangdong Provincial Natural Science Foundation, with a total research funding of 6.7 million yuan. He has published more than 60 academic papers in important domestic and foreign journals, including 36 SCI-indexed papers. He has won the first prize for scientific and technological progress in Shenzhen, the first prize for science and technology from the Guangdong Provincial Civil Architectural Society, the first prize for science and technology from the China Highway Construction Industry Association, and the first prize for science and technology from the China Highway Society.





Pengda Li





Dr. Pengda Li currently holds the position of Associate Professor at the College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University. He obtained his master's degree with distinction from the University of Sheffield (UK) in 2012 and went on to complete his Ph.D. at the City University of Hong Kong from 2013-2017. Prior to his role at Shenzhen University, Dr. Pengda Li served as a Senior Associate Research Fellow at the CityU. Dr. Li's research interests encompass a wide spectrum of topics in Materials and Structural Engineering, including concrete damage evolution, constitutive relationships of concrete under complex stress paths, composite structures, improving the durability of coastal concrete structures, and computational simulations of concrete materials and structures. Currently, Dr. Li has undertaken over ten research projects, including National Natural Science Foundation and provincial-level research projects, and has published more than fifty academic papers with an H-index of 18 on Google Scholar. In addition to this, Dr. Li possesses several years of practical experience in the construction industry, offering a wealth of theoretical and practical expertise.





Qingxia Liu (Chad)



刘清侠,加拿大工程院院士。中国矿业大学矿山环境保护专业、加拿大麦吉尔大学矿业、金属与材料工程专业双博士。2009 年获加拿大阿尔伯塔大学终身教授,并担任加拿大清洁煤/碳和矿物加工技术中心主任。

刘教授是矿物加工和表面工程方面权威学者,参与和领导多项资源利用、石油和矿山开采及环境保护,清洁能源及新材料等方面的项目,并取得了重要研究成果。刘教授先后发表学术论文200 篇,授权美国专利 27 项,中国专利 20 项,在把知识转化为实际应用方面有着杰出的成就。


 Dr. Qingxia Liu (Chad) is the fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering. He received dual Doctorate Degrees from China University of Mining and Technology, majored in mine environmental protection, and McGill University, majored in Mining, Metal and Material Engineering. He was a tenured professor at the University of Alberta in 2009 and the director of the Canadian Centre for Clean Carbon and Mineral Processing Technologies (C5MPT).

Professor Liu is a leading scholar in the mineral processing and surface engineering. He has participated in and led a number of projects in resource utilization, oil and mining and environmental protection, clean energy and new materials, and has achieved important research results. Professor Liu has published 190 academic papers, granted 27 U.S. patents and 20 Chinese patents, and has made outstanding achievements in transforming knowledge into practical applications.





Wujian Long






Professor, Executive Dean of College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Director of Guangdong Civil Engineering Teaching and Experiment Center, Deputy Director of Decision Committee of Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Durability for Marine Civil Engineering, deputy director of the Rheology Testing Technical Committee of the Testing Technology Branch of the Chinese Ceramic Society, visiting scholar at Missouri University of Science and Technology, and University of Plymouth. "Outstanding Teachers" in Guangdong Province, Distinguished Professors of "Pengcheng Scholars" in Shenzhen, Local Leaders in Shenzhen, "Outstanding Scholars" of Shenzhen University, and Outstanding Master's Tutor of Shenzhen University.

Presided over more than 20 national, provincial and municipal scientific research projects, and hosted/participated in a number of major technical service projects. Published more than 120 high-level academic papers in the past five years; authorized 21 national patents, 1 US patent, 5 software copyrights; editor of 1 local standard, participates Compiled 5 national standards and 3 industry standards; won 1 first prize of Guangdong Technical Invention and 1 second prize of Guangdong Teaching Achievement Award (first completer ); The research results have been successfully applied in the construction of large-scale infrastructure such as Shenzhen Metro, Shenzhen Airport, and Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center.





UEDA Tamon



上田多门,深圳大学土木与交通工程学院特聘教授,北海道大学名誉教授。他于1982年获得东京大学工学博士学位。他的研究兴趣是混凝土和混合结构、干预和生命周期管理。先后被大连理工大学聘为海天学者、浙江大学包玉光讲座教授、深圳大学特聘客座教授等。他发表了270多篇同行评议论文,在国际会议上发表了50多篇受邀论文。他的研究/专业成就获得了各种国际和国家奖项(fib奖章、法政荣誉奖、JSCE国际终身贡献奖和JSCE吉田奖),并获得了国际期刊(《建筑复合材料学报》, 《混凝土先进技术杂志》,《结构工程进展》)和《JSCE》、《JCI》、《JPCI》等国内期刊奖项。他是fib 成员和技术委员会成员, IIFC 研究员兼咨询委员会主席,EASEC国际指导委员会主席,ACF前任主席,ISO/TC71主席,AUN/SEED网首席顾问,日本工学院院士(EAJ),JSCE候任主席,北海道土木工程技术协会前任会长。


UEDA Tamon is Distinguished Professor at College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University and Professor Emeritus of Hokkaido University. He obtained his Doctor of Engineering from The University of Tokyo in 1982. His research interests are in concrete and hybrid structures, interventions, and life cycle management.  He has been appointed by Dalian University of Technology as Sea-Sky Scholar, Zhejiang University as Pao Yu-Kong Chair Professor, and Shenzhen University as Distinguished Visiting Professor, etc.  He has published over 270 peer-reviewed papers and over 50 invited papers at international conferences.  He has received various international and national awards on his research/professional achievements (The fib Medal of Merit, Thammasat Honorary Award, JSCE International Lifetime Contribution Award, and JSCE Yoshida Prize), and awards from international journals (Journal of Composites in Construction, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, Advances in Structural Engineering), and domestic journals (JSCE, JCI, JPCI).  He is Fellow and Technical Council Member of fib, Fellow and Advisory Committee Chair of IIFC, Chair of International Steering Committee of EASEC, Past President of ACF, Chair of ISO/TC71, Chief Advisor of AUN/SEED-Net, Member of The Engineering Academy of Japan (EAJ), President-Elect of JSCE, and Immediate Past Chairman of Association for Civil Engineering Technology of Hokkaido.





Juying Li



李菊英,博士,硕士研究生导师,特聘研究员,深圳大学“荔园优秀青年教师”,深圳市海外高层次B类人才。现主要从事新型污染物的环境过程、环境行为与效应、生态风险评价及修复等研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金2项,重点研发计划子课题1项,广东省自然科学基金面上项目1项和多项深圳市基础研究和技术创新项目。目前,在Environmental Sciences & Technology,Water Research等国内外学术期刊上累计发表论文70余篇;参与合作编著1篇,获国家发明专利授权1项。现为环境学期刊Science of The Total Environment编委。


Juying Li is currently a Distinguished Research Fellow at the Shenzhen University. She has carried out in-depth research works and obtained several innovative achievements on transfer, transformation, fate and environment effect of emerging contaminants. So far, she has achieved more than 70 high-quality research outputs in top-tier journals, such as Environmental Sciences & Technology,Water Research. She is one of the Editorial Board members for Science of the Total Environment, and was elected as the Shenzhen Recruitment Program of Global Experts (known as Peacock Plan Talents) (Level B).





Clyde Zhengdao Li



李政道,工学博士,经济博士,教授/研究员,博士生导师,入选美国斯坦福大学与Elsevier发布“全球前2%顶尖科学家”榜单,广东省自科杰出青年项目获得者,泰山学者青年专家,深圳市海外高层次人才/领航人才长期从事智能建造、环境工程与绿色能源的技术与应用研究,主持国家及省部级基础研究项目20余项,包括国家科技部重点研发计划项目课题,国家自然科学基金面上及青年项目,广东省自科杰出青年项目、国家教育部人文社科基金项目,广东省重点领域专项项目等。近年来发表SSCI/SCI/中文核心期刊等100余篇,其中中科院一区TOP期刊论文40余篇,ESI高被引文章6篇,论文累计引用6000余次,单篇最高500余次,h-index 36,出版教材/专著8部,授权国家发明专利40余项,成果在多个国家和地区的100余项重大工程应用推广,成果形成5部国家/地方标准,获得国际智能科技创新、国家住建部华夏建设科学技术奖与省部级科技进步奖等多项科研奖项,取得显著经济与社会效益。


Prof. Clyde Zhengdao Li is a Professor of Construction Management of Shenzhen University and the director of Smart Construction of Shenzhen Hong Kong Joint Research Institute, with a proven track record of accomplishment in construction engineering and management and a particular interest in sustainable and smart construction. He has led a large number of research projects with funding exceeding CNY$20 million and has authored 100+ papers in peer-reviewed academic journals. He has applied for 48 national patents, with 35 patents authorized and 14 software copyrights authorized. He is a member of the Engineering Panel of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and a member of the editorial boards of several leading journals in construction engineering and management and has been invited to give keynote presentations at many international conferences. He was appointed as a member of the Built Environment Panel of the Research Assessment Exercise in China, and elected as the Chairman of the Global Leadership Forum in Smart Construction and Construction Management Programs between 2021 and 2023. Professionally, he is an Eminent Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and a Fellow of the Shenzhen Institute of Smart Construction and Sustainable Building. He was appointed as a member of the Advanced Construction Technologies sub-committee of the CNY$1billion Construction Innovation & Technology Fund between 2020 and 2022.





Yuan Fang



  方媛,副教授,博士生导师,深圳市海外高层次人才(孔雀计划人才),材料与结构研究实验联合会会员,RILEM-SHE自修复委员会委员,中国硅酸盐学会固废分会青年委员会委员。2013年获澳大利亚新南威尔士大学博士学位。主要研究方向包括:环境友好型胶凝材料、地聚合物材料。主持国家自然科学基金青年1项、国家自然科学面上项目1项、科技部重点研发计划子课题1项、广东省自然科学基金1项、深圳市科研项目4项;作为核心成员参与国家自然科学基金重点项目2项、国家自然科学基金联合基金2项、国家自然科学基金面上项目2项。发表SCI检索论文40余篇,其中在Composite Part B:Engineering(IF=11.322)、Composites Science and Technology(IF=9.879)、Construction and Building Materials(IF=7.693)等期刊以第一作者或通讯作者发表论文23篇;授权发明专利11项(第一发明人),美国专利2项;参编英文教材一部。


Dr. Fang Yuan, Associate Professor and Ph.D. Supervisor, is recognized as a High-Level Overseas Talent in Shenzhen under the Peacock Talent Program. She is a member of the Joint Laboratory for Materials and Structural Research, a committee member of the RILEM-SHE Self-Healing Committee, and serves on the Youth Committee of the Solid Waste Branch of the Chinese Ceramic Society. Dr. Fang received her Ph.D. from the University of New South Wales, Australia, in 2013. Her primary research areas include eco-friendly cementitious materials and geopolymer materials.

Dr. Fang has led various projects, including one Youth and one General Program under the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), one sub-project under the Key Research and Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology, one project funded by the Guangdong Natural Science Foundation, and four projects supported by the Shenzhen Science and Technology Program. Additionally, as a core team member, she has contributed to two Key Programs and two Joint Programs under NSFC, as well as two NSFC General Programs.

To date, Dr. Fang has published over 40 SCI-indexed papers, with 23 papers as the first or corresponding author in journals such as *Composite Part B: Engineering* (IF=11.322), *Composites Science and Technology* (IF=9.879), and *Construction and Building Materials* (IF=7.693). She holds 11 authorized invention patents, including 2 U.S. patents, and has co-authored an English textbook.










Hong Chengyu, a tenured Associate Professor, Distinguished Researcher, PhD supervisor, Director of Geotechnical and Underground Engineering Laboratory, College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University, Deputy Director of Intelligent Infrastructure Center, Underground Polis of Academy, Deputy Director of Shenzhen Metro Underground Station Key Laboratory of Green, Efficient and Intelligent Construction. He has presided 10 national provincial and ministerial projects such as National Natural Science Foundation, National Key Technologies R&D Program, Natural Science Foundation in Guangdong Province, Technology Research Program in Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission. As the first and corresponding author, he has published more than 100 academic papers. His research interests include: geotechnical field monitoring, AI based data analytics in geotechnics, digital twin, etc. He has won a silver medal and a gold medal at the 47th and 49th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva, respectively. He also won an excellence Award (Top award) at the Third China Urban Rail Transit Science and Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, the First Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress from Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China.

      Dr. Hong as a PI and co-PI participated in a number of green, low-carbon and high-efficiency intelligent construction of underground projects, including the world's largest cross-section rectangular pipe jacking subway station Shasan Station, prefabricated underground subway stations including Pingxi Station, Longxing Station, Shapu Station in Shenzhen. Dr. Hong is also PI for a number of large-scale rail transit hub projects such as Shenzhen Universiade Station Hub, Huangmugang Hub, Gangxia North Hub, Guangzhou International Financial City, Haizhu Bay Tunnel, Guangdong Water Resources Allocation Tunnel Project and many other large-scale engineering projects in Guangdong province. Dr. Hong as a principal investigator has attracted a total of over 18.124 million CNY (2.55 million USD) worth of consultancy projects, and as co-principal investigator, the total awarded funds amounting to above 94.474 million CNY (13.27 million USD) in the past five years. 









深圳大学土木与交通工程学院 教授,博士生导师。国家重点研发计划项目主持人。Polymers(JCR-Q1)部门编委、广东省力学学会理事、中国建筑学会新材料结构学术委员会委员、RILEM TC SHE 委员。主要从事土木工程材料及结构工程方面的理论分析及实验研究,包括新型自修复水泥基材料、混凝土结构耐久性。曾主持国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目等,并承担基金委国际重大合作项目、广东省创新团队项目、广东省重点领域研发计划项目等多项课题。发表学术专著1部,学术论文150余篇,其中SCI论文70余篇。获发明及实用新型专利30余项,软件著作权20余项,曾获国家教育委员会科技进步二等奖。


Professor of the College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University. Polymers (JCR-Q1) Section Editorial board member, director of Guangdong Mechanics Society, member of the New Material Structure Academic Committee, and member of RILEM TC SHE. He is mainly engaged in theoretical analysis and experimental research in civil engineering materials and structural engineering, including self-healing cement-based materials, durability of concrete structures. He has presided over projects from the National Key R&D Program of China, the General Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, etc., and undertaken a number of projects such as the International Major Cooperation Program, the Guangdong Provincial Innovation Team Program. He has published one monograph and more than 150 academic papers, including more than 70 SCI papers. He has obtained more than 30 patents, 20 software copyrights, and won the second prize of the National Education Commission's Science and Technology Advancement Award.




Minghui Li





The main research area is the deformation and fracture of rocks under complex stress conditions and the mechanism of fluid seepage, as well as the prevention and control of geodynamic disasters in deep engineering. He has been selected for the China Association for Science and Technology’s Youth Talent Support Program, Shenzhen’s Outstanding Youth, Shenzhen’s Local Leadership Talent Plan, and Shenzhen’s Overseas High-level Talent Plan. He serves as the vice director of the Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Deep Earth Science and Geothermal Energy Development. He has presided over three National Natural Science Foundation projects, including major project topics of the National Natural Science Foundation, general projects, and youth projects, as well as eight other vertical topics such as the “Pearl River Talent Plan” to introduce innovative entrepreneurial team topics, Shenzhen’s Outstanding Youth, and Guangdong Provincial Natural Science Foundation’s general projects.




Senyou An



安森友,深圳大学特聘教授,曼彻斯特大学荣誉教授,帝国理工大学访问研究员,博士生导师,国家高层次青年人才入选者。聚焦深部能源开发及二氧化碳封存,致力于渗流理论与应用的研究。已发表SCI论文30余篇,获评2022年度国际多孔介质协会青年科学家奖(每年一位,奖励在多孔介质领域突出贡献)、英国碳捕集与封存中心青年科学家奖等,现任领域权威(Q1区,TOP)期刊Water Resources Research副主编、Advances in Water Resources编委、Geoenergy Science and Engineering副主编,多次担任领域顶级会议InterPore、EAGE、IAMG等年会分会场主席。


Senyou An is a full professor at Shenzhen University, Honorary Reader (professor) at University of Manchester, and also visiting scholar of Imperial College London. Senyou An's research focuses on predicting CO2 plume migration during carbon sequestration using multi-scale technologies, which serves carbon neutrality, a long-term strategy to save Planet Earth from the imminent danger of catastrophic global warming. Areas of his expertise cover computational and experimental approaches for fluid dynamics, such as multiscale multiphase flow, reactive transport, heat /mass transfer, etc.  through porous materials. Senyou serves as Associate Editor of prestigious journals, Water Resources Research, Advances in Water Resources, and Geoenergy Science and Engineering, as well as chairs of several international conferences.




ianbo Fei




国家铁路局铁路科技标准规划专家库专家、UIC IRS Working Group(国际铁路联盟标准编制工作组)成员、中国土木工程学会土力学及岩土工程分会青年工作委员会委员、中国岩石力学与工程滑坡与工程边坡分会理事、中国土工合成材料工程协会青年工作委员会委员、广东省岩土力学与工程学会青年工作委员会副秘书长、深圳市孔雀计划海外高层次人才(C类)、国家自然科学基金评议专家。


主持国家自然科学基金青年和面上项目、国家铁路集团科技研发重大课题、企事业委托项目,并作为骨干成员参与国家自然科学基金委重大、重点项目等课题研究。曾先后两次在国际高铁大会作大会主题报告(Keynote Speaker)。参与了国内数条高速铁路工程的勘察设计工作,工程勘察设计实践支撑基础理论研究。研发的新型隧道变刚度减隔震结构,成功应用于兰新高铁大梁隧道震害整治工程。



Fei Jianbo (Jianbo Fei) is a distinguished researcher/assistant professor, and PhD supervisor at Shenzhen University.  

He is an expert of railway science and technology for Chinese National Railway Administration, the member of UIC IRS Working Group (International Union of Railways Standardization Working Group), the member of Landslide and Slope Engineering Branch in China Rock Mechanics and Engineering Association. Research interests include numerical simulation of geotechnical engineering (slope/tunnel), granular mechanics and high-speed railway engineering. Mainly starting from the origin of physics, using the method of granular physics to investigate geotechnical engineering problems. Two international post-docs are currently working with Fei, and PhD candidate in the field of geotechnical engineering and granular mechanics are welcomed to join! Please contact via email.

Welcome to visit the website of our group




Jinhan MO



莫金汉,博士,深圳大学特聘教授,博士导师,国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目获得者。主要研究方向是受限空间空气质量与节能、空气组分分离与提纯、气体传感器、传热传质、太阳能利用等,涉及建筑、土木、环境、材料、医学等多学科交叉领域。主持了国家自然科学基金杰青、优青、面上基金,国家“十四五”“十三五”重点研发课题等项目50余项。发表SCI收录的期刊论文100余篇。研究成果被SCI他引3500余次。担任国际期刊Building Simulation的领域主编,National Science Open工程板块Associate Editor;担任国际期刊Scientific Reports、Atmosphere、Energy and Built Environment编委,国内期刊《暖通空调》编委、《家电科技》编委。国际室内空气科学院Fellow。担任中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会副秘书长。


Dr. Jinhan MO is a distinguished professor at Shenzhen University. His research interests primarily focus on air quality and energy-saving in confined spaces, air separation and purification, gas sensors, heat and mass transfer, and solar energy utilization. He has successfully led more than 50 research projects, including prestigious grants such as the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (2023) and the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars (2017) from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), as well as projects under the National Key Research and Development Program of China. Dr. MO has an impressive publication record, with over 100 papers published in SCI-indexed journals. His research has also garnered significant attention, receiving over 3,500 citations according to the Web of Science (WoS). He serves as the Subject Editor of Building Simulation, Engineering Associate Editor of National Science Open, and Editorial Board Member of Scientific Reports, Atmosphere, Energy and Built Environment, Journal of HV&AC (in Chinese), and Journal of Appliance Science & Technology (in Chinese). He is the academy fellow of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (FISIAQ), and the vice-secretary of the Indoor Environment and Health Branch of the Chinese Society for Environmental Science.




Jun Wang





Dr. Wang is an assistant professor and senior researcher in SZU, who has been honored as a distinguished high-level talent in Shenzhen, and has received the Youth Scientist Lift Project of China Association for Science and Technology. His research focuses on deep reservoir rock mechanics, geo-energy exploitation and utilization, and thermoelectric generation (TEG) for low-grade heat energy. Research interests include damage and failure mechanics of quasi-brittle materials, high-performance thermoelectric materials development, innovative utilization technologies for geothermal energy (e.g., heat pipe-TEG), THMC coupling processes investigation in deep reservoirs (e.g., DFN/DFM modeling), and AI application in geotechnical engineering. Dr. Wang has published over 40 academic papers and led more than 10 research programs. He has been awarded the first prize in Green Mine Science & Technology Award, and the first prize in China Coal Industry Science & Technology Award.

Warmly welcome students majoring in Geotechnical Engineering, Energy and Power Engineering, Engineering Thermophysics, New Energy Materials, and other related fields to apply for PhD programs.




Yufei Wu



吴宇飞,深圳大学特聘教授,博导。分别在浙江大学、新加坡国立大学和澳大利亚阿德莱德大学取得工学学士、硕士和博士学位。吴教授在中国、新加坡、新西兰和澳大利亚等国从事结构工程设计、管理工作超过10年。1989-1992任教于上海交通大学,2004-2015为香港城市大学建筑及土木工程系副教授(终身教职),2015-2019为澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学工程学院教授(Metro chair)。吴教授的研究兴趣主要在结构工程领域,包括混凝土材料和结构、海洋结构、结构工程设计、复合材料与结构、FRP结构和结构修复等。吴教授已发表超过250篇学术论文,其中SCI论文190多篇,Google Scholar的H指数为65,入选爱思唯尔(Elsevier)“中国高被引学者”土木工程领域榜单,斯坦福顶尖科学家(Stanford University World’s Top 2% Scientists)全球排名:职业生涯前100,当年前50。吴教授为若干结构新技术的唯一或第一发明人,被授权美国发明专利6项,荣获国家科技进步二等奖2项,并在2018年被美国土木工程学会ASCE授予Moisseiff奖章。


Yufei Wu, Distinguished Professor of Shenzhen University, National Distinguished Expert. He received his bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees from Zhejiang University, National University of Singapore and University of Adelaide, Australia, respectively. Professor Wu has been engaged in structural engineering design and management in China, Singapore, New Zealand and Australia for more than 10 years. He taught at Shanghai Jiao Tong University from 1989 to 1992, was an Associate Professor (tenured) in the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering of the City University of Hong Kong from 2004 to 2015, and a professor Metro chairat the School of Engineering, RMIT University from 2015 to 2019. Professor Wu's research interests are mainly in the field of structural engineering, including concrete materials and structures, marine structures, structural engineering design, composites and structures, FRP structures and structural repair. Professor Wu has published more than 250 academic papers, including more than 190 SCI indexed papers. His H-index of Google Scholar is 65. He was listed as "China's Highly Cited Scholars" by Elsevier in the field of civil engineering, and is ranked in the top 100 in civil engineering in the world for career, and the top 50 for current year by Stanford University World's Top 2% Scientists. Professor Wu is the sole or first inventor of several new structural technologies, has been granted 6 U.S. patents, won 2 second prizes of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, and was awarded the Moisseiff Medal by the American Society of Civil Engineers ASCE in 2018.




Zezhou Wu



吴泽洲,副教授,博士生导师,深圳大学土木与工程交通学院工程管理科学系副系主任,深圳大学未来地下城市研究院可持续发展战略研究中心主任,深圳大学中澳BIM与智慧建造联合研究中心政产学研办公室主任。目前以第一作者/通讯作者发表SCI/SSCI/A&HCI论文60余篇,主持10余项科研课题,包括国家自然科学基金项目2项。担任深圳市海外高层次人才,中华建设管理研究会(CRIOCM)理事,美国佛罗里达大学访问学者,Journal of green building高级编委,International journal of construction management副主编,Frontiers of engineering management特约通讯专家。研究领域主要为建筑可持续管理(包括建筑废弃物管理、绿色供应链管理等)。


Dr. Zezhou Wu is an Associate Professor at the College of Civil and Transportation Engineering. At present, he is also the deputy director of the Department of Engineering Management Science, director of the Sustainable Development Strategy Research Center of the Underground Polis Academy of Shenzhen University, and director of the Office of Industry, Education and Research in the Sino-Australia BIM and Smart Construction Joint Research Center. Currently, he has published more than 60 SCI/SSCI/A&HCI papers as the first author/corresponding author, and has received more than 10 fundings including 2 National Natural Science Foundation projects. He also serves as a Committee Member in the Chinese Research Institute of Construction Management (CRIOCM), Senior Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Green Building, Associate Editor of the International Journal of Construction Management, special corresponding expert of Frontiers of Engineering Management. His research field mainly focuses on sustainable construction management (including construction and demolition waste management, green supply chain management, etc.).




ZHAN Baojian





Dr ZHAN Baojian is currently an Assistant Professor in the College of Civil and Transportation Engineering of Shenzhen University, Overseas High-level Talent of Shenzhen (known as Peacock Plan Talents). He obtained his Ph.D from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2017. His main research interests focus on design and development of sustainable construction materials regarding the upcycling of industrial solid wastes, recycled aggregate concrete, CO2 sequestration of cement composites and lunar regolith based construction materials. He has authored/coauthored more than 50 peer-reviewed journal papers with an H index of 28 (Google Scholar), 1 English book, and has been granted 3 patents. As the project leader, he has presided 1 General Program and 1 Young Scientists Fund of National Science Foundation of China, 1 General Program of Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, 1 Shenzhen High-level Talent Research Project. Dr Zhan has received Outstanding Paper Award in the 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technology (SCMT 2013, Kyoto, Japan), 3rd Place of General Electric (GE) Foundation TECH Award, Bronze Award of Hong Kong Green Innovations Awards, 2nd Prize of Hong Kong Construction Innovation Award.









I graduated from Southeast University, Tongji University and Melbourne University with master's and doctorate degrees, respectively. Based on the National Key Laboratory of Green and Long-Life Road Engineering in Extreme Environment,  my research focus on the performance of bridge-track structures, including nonlinear wind vibration behavior and aerodynamic countermeasures of long-span bridges, thermal-mechanical performance and prevention technology of railway ballastless tracks. Currently, I am host the total 10 projects including two National Natural Science Foundation projects of China and a sub-project of National key R&D project. I published more than 50 journal papers, including the first and corresponding author of 30 SCI papers, 17 authorized China invention patents as the first inventor. I am the overseas high-level talents of Shenzhen city and served as a youth editorial board member for four domestic and foreign journals, as well as won the the second prize of Guangdong Province Science and Technology Progress Award, etc.




Yingwu Zhou



  周英武,深圳大学特聘教授,国家杰青与国家优青获得者(2016),爱思唯尔中国高被引学者,多次入选“全球前2%科学家” 榜单。担任建筑材料Top期刊Construction and building Materials 编辑(editor)以及多个JCRQ1 SCI期刊编委/主题客座主编/编委,深圳大学学报编委。任广东省滨海土木工程重点实验室主任、国际材料结构和实验室联合会(RILEM)委员等职。长期从事低碳混凝土与结构耐久性提升及保障研究。主持国家级重点等项目8项(杰青、优青、国家重点研发计划重点专项、NSFC-广东联合基金重点项目、面上、青年基金等)以及省市级项目9项(省市重点)。共发表学术论文180余篇,其中SCI期刊论文150篇(一作/通讯105篇; H指数47);授权42件发明专利(含国际专利5件)。参编国家标准1部。以第一完成人获广东省科学技术进步奖二等奖、深圳市自然科学二等奖各1项。


Dr. Yingwu Zhou, Distinguished Professor of Shenzhen University, Distinguished Young Scholar (2023) and Excellent Young Scholar (2016) funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and continuously selected as "Top 2% Scientists in the World" by Elsevier. He currently serves as the Editor of Construction and Building Materials, one of the top journals in the field of building materials, editorial board member/guest editor of several JCRQ1 SCI journals, and also one of the editorial board members of Journal of Shenzhen University. He is also the director of Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Durability for Marine Civil Engineering and a member of the International Federation of Materials Structures and Laboratories (RILEM). He has been engaged in research on low-carbon concrete and structural durability improvement and protection. He has hosted 8 national projects, including the Distinguished Young project and Excellent Youth project funded by NSFC, one key project funded by National Key Research and Development Program for intergovernmental cooperation, one key project jointly funded by NSFC and Guangdong province, three general and one youth projects funded by NSFC, and 9 provincial and municipal key projects. He has published 180 peer-reviewed papers in which 150 were indexed by SCI with a google h-index of 47. He has been granted 42 invention patents, including 5 international patents. He has participated in drafting one national standard. He has won the Second Prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of Guangdong Province (Rank 1st) and the Second Prize of Shenzhen Natural Science Award (Rank 1st).




Su Dong





Prof. SU Dong currently serves as the Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory of Coastal Urban Resilient Infrastructures (Shenzhen University), Ministry of Education in China, and the Deputy Dean of the Underground Polis Academy at Shenzhen University. He graduated from Tsinghua University in 2000 with a Bachelor's degree in Hydraulics Engineering, and from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2005 with a doctoral degree in Geotechnical Engineering. He then joined Shenzhen University and was promoted to a full professor in 2010. He came to the University of Auckland, New Zealand as a visiting scholar from 2016 to 2017. Prof. Su's major research interests include the macroscopic and microscopic mechanical properties of soil, experimental and numerical modeling of the interaction between soil and structure, digital twin for underground infrastructure.




Sun, Xiaohui






Xiaohui Sun, a recipient of the National High-Level Talent Fund, has published over 80 papers and holds 13 invention patents. He has led three national research projects, and his achievements have been recognized with prestigious awards, including the 2021 International Tunneling and Underground Space Association (ITA) Beyond Engineering Award, marking the first time this honor was awarded to China.

Research Areas: Solid Waste Recycling; Environmental Geotechnical Engineering; Environmental Engineering; Environmental Chemical Engineering.




Menghuan GUO



         郭孟环,博士,2017年1月获法国南特中央理工大学土木工程专业博士学位,现为深圳大学土木与交通工程学院助理教授、特聘研究员、博士生导师、深圳市海外高层次人才孔雀计划C类人才。主要从事再生混凝土的力学性能及耐久性能、水泥基材料的数值模拟、应变强化水泥基材料及绿色混凝土材料等方面的科研工作。近年来主持和参加各级科研项目6项:包括主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1项、面上项目1项、国家重点研发子课题1项,参与国家科技部重点研发项目政府间重点专项1项、广东省重点领域研发计划项目1项、法国土木工程应用研究与实验研究所资助项目1项及法国国家研究中心资助项目1项。近五年发表SCI论文30余篇。担任美国ASTM旗下期刊 Journal of Testing and Evaluation编辑、Polymers期刊主题客座主编以及多个行业顶尖期刊的审稿人。


Dr. Menghuan Guo is currently an assistant professor, distinguished research fellow and doctoral supervisor in the College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University, China. In 2017, She obtained her PhD from Ecole Centrale de Nantes in France. Her research interests mainly focus on mechanical properties and durability of recycled aggregate concrete, numerical simulation of cementitious materials, engineered cementitious composites, and green concrete material. Dr. Guo has published more than 30 peer-reviewed SCI papers in the international journals. She is one of the contributors to 1 Taylor & Francis book and 1 Wiley-ISTE book. She has hosted 2 national research projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), including general project and youth project. She has participated in 1 national key research and development sub-project, 1 intergovernmental key project, 1 key project of Guangdong Province and 2 French national projects. She has served as Editor of Journal of Testing and Evaluation (ASTM International), guest editor of Polymers, and reviewer for several peer reviewed top international SCI journals.




Shuying Wang





Dr. Shuying Wang is a full professor of civil engineering in Shenzhen University. He obtained his B.E. and M.S. degrees from CSU, respectively in 2005 and 2007. He continued his graduate study under the financial support of Chinese Ministry of Education and earned his Ph.D. degree in Missouri University of Science and Technology (Rolla, USA) in 2011. His research interests include tunnel engineering and experimental investigation of earth materials. So far, more than 100 journal papers in the fields have been published, and more than 50 patents have been authorized. He serves as an editorial board member for 6 journals such as Journal of Testing and Evaluation (ASTM). He is a receiver of Outstanding Youth Foundation supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China and Youth Science Award approved by Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation.







  赵燕茹,工学博士,副教授、博士生导师,供职于深圳大学土木与交通工程学院。20146 月获重庆大学土木工程博士学位,2017 年深圳地铁与哈工大土木工程博士后流动站联合培养出站博士后(师从我国著名岩土与隧道工程专家陈湘生院士)。长期从事敏感软弱地层-隧道结构耦联致灾机理及隧道变形主-被动控制,以及微生物岩土力学理论与试验相关的科学与技术研究工作。近十年来,针对土体改良与变形机理、敏感多变软弱地层隧道变形控制等研究方面,累计发表学术论文30 余篇,其中SCI 检索论文22 篇(包括中科院二区以上论文15 篇)。项目申请人累计主持和参加国家、省市级科研项目10 余项,包括主持国家自然基金面上项目2 项、中国博士后科学基金(一等)1 项、深圳市科技计划重点项目等,入选深圳市后备级高层次人才。


Yanru Zhao, Ph.D.
Associate Professor & Ph D supervisor
School of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University


· Ph.D. in Civil Engineering
Chongqing University, June 2014

Postdoctoral Training:

· Jointly trained by Shenzhen Metro and Harbin Institute of Technology, 2017
Supervised by Academician Chen Xiangsheng, a leading expert in geotechnical and tunnel engineering in China.

Research Interests:

· Active-passive control of tunnel deformation

· Theory and experimental study of microbial geotechnical engineering


· Over 30 academic papers on soil improvement and deformation mechanisms, and tunnel deformation control in sensitive and variable weak strata.

· 22 papers indexed in SCI, including 15 in the second district or above of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


· Principal investigator and participant in over 10 national, provincial, and municipal research projects, including:

o 2 projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation

o 1 project funded by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (First Class)

o Key projects of Shenzhen Science and Technology Plan


· Selected as a high-level talent reserve by Shenzhen.




Yaocheng WANG






Associate professor in Civil Engineering, qualified supervisor for PhD. Host three national grants from NSFC, three projects at provincial or municipal level, one project with industry partner. Major research area locates in (1) carbonation curing of cementitious materials; (2) Utilization of industrial and municipality solid waste; (3) durability of concretes under combined mechanisms; (4) application of NDT in durability of concrete structure. Enrolling 2-3 master students, possible 1 PhD candidates and 1 post doctor every year.




Biao Hu



胡彪博士现任中国深圳大学土木与交通工程学院助理教授,于2017年获得香港城市大学博士学位。他的主要研究领域包括复合材料与结构、结构加固、耐久性以及可持续建筑材料。胡博士已发表50多篇SCI期刊论文,这些论文在Google Scholar上被引用1620余次,其H指数为19Google Scholar个人主页)。胡博士主持了6项科研项目,并作为联合研究者参与了10多项科研项目。他担任两本SCI期刊的编委,并担任五本SCI期刊的客座编辑。此外,他还是40多本国际SCI期刊的长期审稿人。在研究工作方面,胡博士荣获多项重要奖项,包括2018年美国土木工程师学会(ASCEMoisseiff2023年国际先进材料协会(IAAM)科学家奖章,并于2024年当选为IAAM院士。同年,胡博士在49届日内瓦国际发明展上荣获金奖


Dr. Biao HU is an Assistant Professor at the College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University, P.R. China. He earned his Ph.D. from the City University of Hong Kong in 2017. His main research areas include composite materials & structures, structural retrofitting, durability, and sustainable construction materials. Dr. Hu has published over 50 SCI journal papers, which have garnered more than 1620 citations recorded on Google Scholar ( ) with a H-index of 19. Dr. Hu is the principal investigator of six research projects and has contributed as a co-investigator of more than ten additional research projects. He serves as the editorial board member of two SCI journals and has acted as a guest editor of five SCI journals. Additionally, he is a dedicated reviewer for more than 40 peer-reviewed international SCI journals. Due to research work, he received some awards, including   the Moisseiff Award from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) in 2018 and the IAAM Scientist Medal Award (2023) from the International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM) and was selected as a Fellow of IAAM in 2024. In 2024, Dr. Hu was honored with the Gold Medal at the 49th Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions.
