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导师简介[生物医学工程(医)]Supervisor Profiles [Biomedical Engineering (Medicine)]
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生物医学工程Biomedical Engineering 


Biomedical Engineering (Medicine/Engineering/Sciences)


This program will equip students with solid theoretical and systematic professional knowledge in molecular medicine, biomedical engineering, and related fields. Graduates of this program will have the opportunity to undertake independent scientific research, allowing them to understand the current status and future trends of medicine/biomedical engineering, and write and communicate in English.


1. Biomedical information

Apply biomedical engineering techniques and methods to collect, analyze and evaluate health-related biomedical information, establish disease risk prediction and early warning models, explore the underlying reasons of disease pathogenesis, and conduct intervention studies.

2. Cell and tissue engineering

Conduct research on various types of stem cell and bioscaffold materials, and learn how to apply tissue engineering and regeneration technologies to acute and chronic injuries and diseases; conduct research using cell engineering and nanomaterial labeling technologies based on modern gene technology; perform in vivo and in vitro cell tracing and monitoring; and develop new sources of stem cells for research and industrialization amplification technologies, including the development of 3D culture and amplification and bioreactor systems.

3. Systematic Biomedical:

Harness biophysical, biochemical, bioinformatic and systems biology approaches to study human aging and major diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, metabolic diseases, and infectious diseases; use cells, tissues, organs to conduct translational medicine research into human disease mechanisms at multiple levels, and develop personalized and precise diagnostic and treatment approaches.


Frontiers in Biomedical Engineering, Biomedical Image Analysis, Lecture on Pattern Recognition Front, Advanced Cell Biology and Disease, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.


There is a wide spectrum of career paths that can follow from obtaining a PhD in Biomedical Engineering, including but not limited to:

Biomedical Scientist/Researcher Biomedical scientists and researchers, in both clinical and/or research environments, conduct research that aims to improve human health by carrying out scientific tests to find solutions to medical/clinical problems. They research information that aids in the development of biomedical technology and test products so that they are safe and effective for consumers.

Biomaterials DeveloperBiomedical engineers may develop biomaterials based on either natural living tissue or artificial materials, for use in the human body. Tissue engineering, biomedical implant development, drug delivery and nano implants are all areas that a biomaterials developer may work in. Biomaterials can be used to either repair or replace lost function to the body, or to detect and image disease.

Biomedical Artificial Intelligent (AI) Researcher or Developer AI technology is rewiring many parts of society. How medical/clinical procedures and philosophies will be affected by AI is a thrilling frontier for exploration. A career in this field will involve you not only in science and technology, but also in areas of ethics, finance, and regulation.

Rehabilitation EngineerBiomedical engineers who work in a field dedicated to rehabilitation often work on diverse projects. These can range from mechanical equipment that helps patients regain the ability to walk, to virtual reality systems that aid in limb mobility. Rehabilitation engineers may also create custom solutions based on unique needs or research improvements that can form the basis of a novel rehabilitation technology.

Medical Device/Technology Developer

Medical technology can refer to the hardware and software that help manufacture medical devices, as well as to the technology that is an integral part of those devices. Medical technology professionals with biomedical engineering backgrounds may specialize in bioinstrumentation, or the use of bioelectronic/biomechanical/biochemical instruments to record or transmit physiological information in vivo and/or in vitro.










博士,教授,博士生导师,深圳市高层次人才等。主要研究领域为药物化学和化学生物学,研究方向涉及AD、肿瘤等系统性复杂疾病药物作用新靶点的发现、网络靶向新药物分子的设计、合成、功能及作用分子机制研究等。先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、广东省社会发展领域科技计划项目、深圳市“新技术、新产品、新工艺”项目、深圳市科技计划项目、深圳市国际合作项目等多项,已在J Med Chem等国际重要刊物上发表学术论文70多篇,申请新药国际专利PCT 1 项,授权新药国家发明专利9项,实审新药发明专利20项,获得广东省科学技术进步奖(二等,2010年、2017年)2项,深圳市科技创新奖(高等院校类,2008年)1项等。


Ph.D., Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor. I am a professor in Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology. My lab mainly focuses on the design, synthesis, and evaluation of novel molecules targeting Glutaminyl cyclase, iso-Glutaminyl cyclase and other proteins as potential anti-AD and anti-cancer agents. I pay particular attention in exploring the mechanism underlying the regulation of up-regulated QC and iso-QC in the initiation of AD and caners at the early stage. Research in my lab has been continuously supported by 4 regular grants of the National Natural Science Foundation in China (NSFC), 1 grant of Basic Research Foundation of Guangdong, 4 grants of Basic Research Foundation of Shenzhen, etc since 2015. I have published more than 70 papers in the peer-reviewed professional journals. I am currently mentoring 1 postdoctoral fellows, 2 PhD candidates and 17 MSc candidates.






Peng Gong



巩鹏,教授、主任医师、博士/博士后合作导师、深圳大学总医院副院长、普外科主任。从医27年来,巩鹏教授一直致力于消化道肿瘤的临床与基础研究。先后参与撰写多项中英文临床指南与教材;在国家自然基金、高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金、省自然科学基金等十余项基金资助下,围绕消化道肿瘤发病及耐药机制先后在《Journal of Advanced Research》、《Theranostics》以及《Oncogene》等国内外期刊杂志发表论文150余篇,申请专利8项。上述研究成果先后获得省、市级科技进步奖10余项。


I am the chief physician and the deputy dean of Shenzhen University General Hospital. I have two excellent teams which focus on clinical and basic cancer research. As the co-author, I wrote a number of clinical guidelines and textbooks in both Chinese and English. Supported by more than ten funds such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Special Scientific Research Fund for Doctoral Programs in Higher Education, and the Provincial Natural Science Foundation, I try to clarify the mechanism of the gastrointestinal tumors and drug resistance. I discovered that the tumor environment plays an important role in tumor development and chemotherapeutic drug resistance. For example, we observed that the levels of macrophages and activated dendritic cells in tumor tissues were significantly higher than that in para-tumor tissues. Macrophages, gamma delta T cells and naive CD4 T cells were independent predictive factors of a poor outcome for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma patients. Subsequently, I observed that autophagy and Hippo-YAP1 signaling pathway, two processes, has been reported to regulate the pathophysiology of cancer and the sensitivity to chemotherapy. Bafilomycin A1, an inhibitor of autophagy, could induce caspase-independent cell death via targeting of autophagy and MAPK pathways. In addition, we found tumor suppressor Spred2 interaction with LC3 promotes autophagosome maturation and induces autophagy-dependent cell death. Currently, I have mentored 4 post doctors, 4 PhD candidates, and 30 MSc candidates; we published more than 150 papers.




Li Duan





Dr Duan is a full-time researcher and vice director of Central Lab at Shenzhen Second People’s Hospital, the First Affiliated Hospital of Shenzhen University. After receiving her PhD from Wuhan University, she was a postdoctoral fellow in the Medical Center of Groningen University and Sun Yat-Sen University, then a visiting scholar in the department of Molecular Biology at the Fukuoka Dental College.

Her main research interests are the nanoparticle delivery for musculoskeletal system disease treatment. Dr Duan has received many awards such as Third prize of Chinese medical science (2017). She received many research grants, including National Natural Science Foundation of China and European Orthodontic Society. Her total research funding was more than RMB¥12,000,000. She has published 50 peer-reviewed articles, several books and book chapters.




Li Jianjun



从事骨科、运动医学、脊柱脊髓损伤的临床康复与研究。享受国务院政府特殊津贴。兼任国务院残工委专家委员会副主委、国际脊髓学会外事委员会和中国分会主席、国际物理医学与康复学会AIM理事、德国外科学会和日本康复医学会荣誉会员、中国医师协会康复医师分会第四届会长。荣获国际著名的 “Rick Hansen Outstanding Award”和“HAIM RING AWARD”。以第一完成人获中国康复医学会科学技术奖一等奖2项、北京市科学技术奖三等奖1项、北京医学科技奖二等奖1项、“全国百名优秀院长”、“四川抗震救灾一线突出贡献奖”,主持或参与国家级、省部级以及局级课题60余项,以一作、通讯作者发表SCI论文77篇,中文论文262篇;主编、参编专著50部。


Li Jianjun, professor, recipient of a special allowance from the State Council, specializes in clinical rehabilitation and research in orthopedics, sports medicine, and spinal cord injuries. He has successfully applied for 60 projects ,published 77 SCI papers and 262 Chinese papers, and has served as the editor for 50 publications.

Deputy Chairman of the Expert Committee of the State Council's Disabled Persons Committee

Vice President of the International Spinal Cord Society

Chairman of the China Branch of the International Society for Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

Honorary Member of the German Society and the Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Physicians


Top 100 Outstanding Deans in the Country

Rick Hansen Outstanding Award, "Haim Ring Award."

the first prize of the China Rehabilitation Medicine Association's Science and Technology Award

the third prize of the Beijing Science and Technology Award

the second prize of the Beijing Medical Science and Technology Award

Sichuan First-Line Contribution Award for Earthquake Relief




Cheng Gao



深圳大学“百人计划”助理教授,博士生导师。研究工作聚焦于细胞原基材料的结构组装和生物效应研究,主要包括(1)细胞原基材料的胞外、细胞膜和胞内组装(2)细胞原基材料中和效应和中和治疗(3)细胞原基材料靶向识别和药物递送以第一和通讯作者身份在Sci. Adv.(2篇)、Matter、Nat. Commun.(3篇)、Adv. Mater.、J. Am. Chem. Soc.Mater. Today(2篇)、ACS Nano、Adv. Funct. Mater.、Nano Lett.(2篇)、J. Control. Release等发表论文20余篇,相关研究工作被Nat. Rev. Cardiol.和Matter等选为研究亮点进行专题评论。


Dr. Gao is researcher in School of Pharmacy at Shenzhen University Medical School. He received her PhD degree in 2020, and continued post-doctoral training at University of Macau. He is an expert in the field of cell-primitive biomimetic material. His research focuses on exploring and developing new strategies and technologies that apply biomimetic and natural vehicles for directly disease treatment and synergistically delivering therapeutics in controlled fashion. By accumulating and integrating tools of pharmacology, biomedical engineering and materials science, he designed membrane camouflaged vehicle, cell-based system and intracellularly gelated cell, which are inspired by natural particulates, from bacterial to cells. Dr. Gao has published extensively in leading journals as first author or corresponding author, including two Sci. Adv., three Nat. Commun., one Matter, one Adv. Mater., one J. Am. Chem. Soc., two Mater. Today, one Adv. Func. Mater., one ACS Nano, one J. Control. Release and two Nano Lett.




Dixian Luo



医学博士、二级研究员、主任技师、国务院政府特殊津贴专家、深圳大学和湖南中医药大学教授、留美归国学者,南方医科大学和深圳大学临床检验诊断学博士生导师、深圳市卫生健康菁英人才学科带头人、深圳市高层次人才(地方领军级)、CNAS ISO15189评审员、国家自然科学基金函审专家、湖南121中青年领军人才、高通量分子诊断技术国家地方联合工程实验室执行主任。目前担任担任中国抗癌协会肿瘤标志专委会鼻咽癌标志专家委员会副主委,广东省转化医学学会分子诊断学分会主委委员、深圳市医学会医学微生态专委会副主委,深圳市医师协会精准医学分会副会长、深圳市医院协会检验医学分会副会长等学术任职。主要从事临床检验诊断学临床和科教工作,研究方向为肿瘤标志物与肿瘤代谢免疫、肿瘤微生物分子诊断技术研发。参与编写专著或共识5部;主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家重点研发计划子课题、省杰出青年基金、省重点研发计划、省战略新兴产业专项、市重点研发计划等30余项;发表论文80余篇,其中SCI论文63篇,IF>10分10篇;申请专利32项,其中授权专利15项;出版专著6部(其中主编2部主编4部);获得湖南省科技进步2项和湖南省医学科技1项


M.D., Ph.D., Professor at Shenzhen University, Doctoral Supervisor in Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics at Shenzhen University. Discipline Leader of Shenzhen Health Elite Talent Program.Shenzhen High-Level Talent (Local Leading Category).CNAS ISO15189 Accredited Assessor. Peer-review Expert for the National Natural Science Foundation of China NSFC). Recipient of the Hunan 121 Leading Talent Program for Young and Middle-aged Professionals.Executive Director of the National-Local Joint Engineering Laboratory for High-throughput Molecular Diagnostics.Research Focus:Engaged in clinical and scientific research in clinical laboratory diagnostics, with a focus on tumor biomarkers, tumor metabolic immunology, and the development of molecular diagnostic technologies for tumor-related microbes. Achievements:Contributed to 5 academic monographs/expert consensus guidelines, Led over 30 research projects (including NSFC General Program, Sub-project of the National Key R&D Program, Provincial Outstanding Youth Foundation), Published 80+ papers, including 63 SCI-indexed articles (10 with Impact Factor >10), Filed 32 patents (15 authorized), Awarded two Hunan Provincial Science and Technology Progress Awards and one Hunan Medical Science and Technology Award.
