一、招生专业 Programs
For admission programs, please refer to the SZU MASTER PROGRAMS FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS,2025.
二、学习方式和学习年限 Type and Duration of the Programs
1. 学习方式为全日制。
Type of the programs: Full-time.
Duration of the programs is 2 to 3 Years, specific with different program.
1. 申请人须是非中国国籍公民,持有效外国护照,身体健康,品行端正,遵守中国法律、法规和学校的规章制度。
Applicants must be citizens with a valid foreign passport (whose nationalities are not People’s Republic of China). He / She should be in good health conditions and of good conduct. He / She should also abide by the Chinese laws, regulations and the rules of the university.
2. 申请人必须具有大学本科毕业以上学历(申请时尚未毕业须提供预毕业证明,最迟在入学前取得大学本科毕业证书)。年龄一般在35周岁以下。
Applicants should hold bachelor’s degree or above,and should be under the age of 35. Applicants who are still in the final year of undergraduate study can provide expected graduation certificate for submitting application while the official diploma must be provided before enrollment.
3. 满足相应的语言水平要求(证书须在有效期内) 。
Applicants should meet the corresponding language level requirements (The language proficiency certificate must be within the validity period).
(1)中文授课专业Programs taught in Chinese:
A minimum score of 180 in HSK4 for Science and Engineering
A minimum score of 180 in HSK5 for Liberal Arts, Medicine, Arts
(2)英文授课专业Programs taught in English:
For applicant whose native tongue is not English requires credential of English proficiency.
* 母语为汉语或英语者经我校认定可免交相应语言水平证明。
Native speakers of Chinese or English can be exempted from the corresponding language proficiency certificate after being recognized by our university.
四、申请时间及流程 Application Time and Method
(一)申请时间 Application Time
From 1st January to 15th May
(二)申请流程 Application Procedure
1.请登陆国际交流学院网站http://lxs.szu.edu.cn/ 在线报名。
Please log on website of CIE: http://lxs.szu.edu.cn to register online.
Log in system and fill in personal information and visa information, upload documents as required and the payment voucher of application fee, then submit application.
五、申请材料 Application Materials
Please prepare the following materials before applying:
Certificate and diploma of bachelor's degree. Recent graduates shall provide pre-graduation certificate which shows your expected graduation time and present the original certification, diploma, transcripts, and translations when you register.
The transcripts of all courses during bachelor period.
3. 两封推荐信(教授或副教授出具,中文/英文书写,须有推荐人姓名和联系方式)
Two Letters of Recommendation (Signed by professors or associate professors in Chinese or English with the name of the referral and contact information)
4. 一份个人陈述(800字左右,用英文或中文撰写,内容应包括个人学习经历、学习计划等)
One piece of Self-statement (around 800 words, and written in English or Chinese, and should include: personal experience of study, study plan etc.)
5. 护照个人信息页
Photo Copy of Passport Info Page
Passport Photo
7.语言水平证明 Language Proficiency Certificate
(1)中文授课专业Programs taught in Chinese:
A minimum score of 180 in HSK4 certification for Science and Engineering
A minimum score of 180 in HSK5 certification for Liberal Arts, Medicine, Arts
(2)英文授课专业Programs taught in English:
For applicant whose native tongue is not English requires credential of English proficiency
* 母语为汉语或英语者经我校认定可免交相应语言水平证明。
Native speakers of Chinese or English can be exempted from the corresponding language proficiency certificate after being recognized by our university.
Foreigner Physical Examination Form
Resume (from primary school to now)
Applicants for Guangdong Government Outstanding International Student Scholarship, please download the form, fill it out and upload it.
* 除上述申请材料外,申请人须根据我校的要求,按时提交其他补充材料。
In addition to the application materials detailed above, applicants should submit other supplementary materials required by SZU in time.
* 以上材料均须中文或英文版本,其他语种须提供翻译件的公证件。
Documents other than Chinese or English are required to be translated and notarized.
* 申请材料不全者不予受理。不论录取与否,以上材料一律不予退还。
Applicants who provide incomplete materials will not be accepted. The materials above won’t be returned whether you are admitted or not.
六、录取流程Admission Procedure
After the application deadline, professional colleges will organize a panel of experts to conduct application documents review and professional assessment on the applicant. During the process, long-distance or face-to-face interviews will be conducted, if necessary.
In June, pre-admission results will be sent to applicants by email and admission results can be checked through the online application system.
In July, after confirmation of the list of admitted applicants, digital version/scanned copies of admission materials will be sent to applicants by email.
Admitted students should apply for the X1 visa at the Chinese Embassy (or Chinese Consulate) in their countries of residence with “Shenzhen University Admission Notice” and “Confirmation Form for Study in China (JW202)”, and change X1 visa into Residence Permit for foreign students within 30 days after entering China. Students who don’t apply for the relevant visa and Residence Permit will have to drop out. SZU doesn’t accept students with non-student visas for enrollment.
Admitted students must register on-site on the date and at the address stated in “Shenzhen University Admission Notice”. Attempts to register early will not be accepted.
The original graduation certificate, language proficiency certificate, etc. will be checked again at the time of registration. Those who fail to provide certificate document or fail the certificate verification will be canceled the admission.
七、费用标准 Fees Standard
Application Fee: 400 RMB/ 60 USD. Once the application fee is paid, it will be non-refundable. Applications will not be reviewed for those who have not paid the application fee.
Application fee should be paid to the designated account of SZU by wire transfer before submitting the application.
2.学费Tuition Fee
文科:30000 RMB/每人/每学年
Liberal arts: 30,000 RMB/person/year
理科:35000 RMB/每人/每学年
Science & Engineering: 35,000 RMB/person/year
医学、艺术、体育类: 45000 RMB/每人/每学年
Medicine, Arts, Physical: 45,000 RMB/person/year
3.住宿与保险 Accommodation and Insurance
(1)住宿: 粤海校区宿舍设有单人间和双人间可供选择,费用为2400-8000RMB/人/学期;丽湖校区宿舍为四人间,费用为750RMB/人/学期。学生需按房型自行缴纳住宿费。(水电费另外计收)
Accommodation: Single rooms and double-bed rooms are all available on Yuehai campus, the fees vary from 2,400 to 8,000 RMB for per student per semester. Four-bed room is available on Lihu campus, the fees is 750 RMB for per student per semester. Students need to pay for the dormitory by themselves. (Water and electricity charges are not included)
Insurance: 400RMB/semester. International students should purchase the group all-risk insurance designated by SZU. Students are required to purchase insurance from the College of International Exchange on registration day. Those who do not purchase the insurance as required will not be able to get registered.
八、可申请的奖学金Available Scholarship
类型Categories |
奖项说明Scholarship Description |
省级奖学金 Provincial Scholarship |
广东省政府来粤留学生奖学金,20000元/年 Guangdong Government Outstanding International Student Scholarship, 20000CNY per year. |
市级奖学金 Municipal Scholarship |
深圳大运奖学金,45000元/年 Shenzhen Universiade Scholarship, 45000 CNY per year. |
荔园奖学金 Liyuan International Scholarship |
一等 First class honor
免学费,并提供 12000 元/年生活补助,按月发放; Tuition waiver + living allowance of 1000 CNY/month |
二等 Second class honor |
免学费; Tuition waiver |
三等 Third class honor |
免学费的 50% 50% deduction of the tuition |
国际中文教师奖学金 International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship |
登陆国际中文教师奖学金申请系统(cis.chinese.cn),在规定的申请时间内提交申请。同时须在我校网申系统(https://lxs.szu.edu.cn)报名,按要求提交材料。 Log on the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship website (http://cis.chinese.cn) and submit application before the designated date. At the same time, you are required to submit application in our online application system (https://lxs.szu.edu.cn). |
九、联系方式 Contact Information
地址:广东省深圳市南海大道3688号深圳大学朝夕楼3楼301 518060
Add: 301 3/F, Zhaoxi building, Shenzhen University, 3688 Nanhai Ave, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518060
电话:0755-2655 8894
TEL: 0755-2655 8894
E-mail: szulxs@szu.edu.cn
报名系统Online Registraion:https://status.szu.edu.cn/szulxs/html/vue/stuBm.html?fxq=2025-09&lxslbm=07
报名二维码QR Code for Registraion: