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Courses are taught in English
Brief Introduction of Master Programs Taught in English
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复杂系统与数据科学Complex Systems and Data Science


Materials Science and Engineering (Science)


Material Science and Engineering mainly studies the composition, structure, preparation or synthesis, and properties of materials. It is devoted to the optimization, development of new materials, and rational application of materials.


Professional English for Materials Science and Engineering (Science), Material Technology Frontier, quantum chemistry, Material Surface and Interface, etc.


This discipline aims to cultivate high-level compound talents with moral, intellectual, physical all-round development, reasonable knowledge structure, and greater capabilities in innovation and analysis and solution of problems. It also requires to master the basic theory, advanced technology and methods, as well as the latest developments in this field here and abroad, and have the ability to use the theory to solve practical technical problems independently and to innovate and engage in scientific research, teaching and engineering management. 



生命健康与环境Health and Environmental Sciences


Complex System and Data Science


Complex Systems and Data Science is based on big data science methods such as data standardization, data mining, and data visualization and supported by a new generation of information technology such as mathematical modeling, scientific computing, big data analysis, and artificial intelligence. It’s an interdiscipline which is full of related theories, techniques, and methods for complex systems such as, material genomes, soft matter systems, life and health, oceans, and the environment. Its setup helps scientific workers extract and analyze scientific data of large-capacity and complex sources. The visualization technology of big data can help researchers intuitively understand and interpret research content. 


Professional English for complex systems and data science, Mathematical Modeling and Data Science, Introduction to Complex Systems, Advanced Mathematical Statistics, Machine Learning, Advanced Econometrics, Introduction to Biomedical Engineering, Medical Statistics, Instrument Analysis and Material Research Methods, Chemical Software and Applications, Surface and Interface of Materials, etc.


This discipline aims to cultivate high-level compound talents with moral, intellectual, physical all-round development, reasonable knowledge structure, and greater capabilities in innovation and analysis and solution of problems. It also requires to master the basic theory, advanced technology and methods, as well as the latest developments in this field here and abroad, and have the ability to use the theory to solve practical technical problems independently and to innovate and engage in scientific research, teaching and engineering management. 




生命健康与环境Health and Environmental Sciences


Health and Environmental Sciences


"Health and Environmental Sciences" is an emerging interdiscipline that integrates ecology, biomedicine, and environmental sciences. This discipline studies theories and technologies of human health and environments. The discipline takes advantage of various technologies to analyze and monitor the situations of environment pollution and  the response of ecosystems.


English for Health and Environmental Sciences, Advances in Molecular Immunology, Advances in Health and Environmental Sciences, Advances in Molecular Immunology, Thesis Writing Guidance, Biomolecular Simulation Introduction, Analysis of Microfluidic Cell, Writing for Scientific Journals,ect


      It aims to explore the internal relationships and interaction mechanisms between life and environments, to restore polluted environments using environmentally friendly technologies, to utilize biological resources, to develop new types of medicine, to assess risk for health and the environment using models and big data, and to sustain the balance between of human and the natural environments. The major is established in 2020.




管理科学与工程(国际班)International Management Science and Engineering


Management Science and Engineering


1. Training objectives

We closely concentrate on the fundamental task of establishing moral integrity and cultivating talents, adhere to the "four for" policy, to cultivate socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, sports, beauty and labor, and to meet the needs of the national and local economic and social development for innovative high-level talents.

(1) Moral character

We cultivate students with firm and correct political orientations to China. They have deep love for the socialist motherland, they support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and they master the basic principle of Marx and Lenin, Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping theory, the important thought of "Three Represents", and the socialist ideology of China and Scientific Outlook on Development with the Chinese characteristics in the new era. The students with good conduct, honest and trustworthy, physical and mental health and abide by the law. The student abide by academic ethics, they have rigorous academic attitude, spirit of unity and cooperation, and a sense of innovation and entrepreneurship.

(2) Knowledge structure and basic ability

Students joining in the academic master program are required to master the solid basic theory and systematic professional knowledge of the discipline, and have a wide range of knowledge. They are required to master a foreign language, they are able to apply foreign language on reading the professional literature in bilingual version skillfully, they are able to complete English paper abstract and a certain level listening and speaking ability. They are required to gain the ability to engage in scientific research, teaching, or independently undertake specialized technical work.

(3) Specific training objectives and basic requirements of the discipline

This program aims at cultivating high-level management professionals with all-round development of moral, intellectual and athletic ability, complete management knowledge system, strong academic research ability and management practice ability. Through building a knowledge system of management theory and practices as well as learning about the cutting edge of academic research, the post-graduate students can not only master the basic theories and methods of management science and engineering but also effectively use information technology and the combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis method to solve practical problems. Secondly, they can learn to independently carry out teaching and research work and have the ability of continuous learning and self-improvement. Thirdly, they can use computer skillfully, master a foreign language, and have the strong ability of professional literature reading and academic writing. Graduates of this major usually work in government, large and medium-sized enterprises, universities and research institutions, etc., and they are mainly engaged in management, teaching and research work.

2. Research Direction

1.Data science and intelligent decision making: This direction adopts the advanced tools (i.e., data mining, artificial intelligence, machine learning and intelligent computing) to conduct systematic research, including the fields of data intelligence, industrial big data analysis and processing, big data service engineering. It aims to realize intelligent management and decision making in the context of “Big Data”.

2.Information systems and e-commerce: This direction focuses on the research of enterprise information systems, data mining and analysis, knowledge management, and e-commerce systems. It aims to use modern data and information technology to improve the operational efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises.

3.Modern logistics and supply chain management: This direction mainly focuses on the problems in the process of logistics and supply chain management. It aims to solve logistics and supply chain management problems using systems engineering concepts, operations research analysis methods, decision theory and computer simulation tools.

4.Fin-tech and Business Analysis: This direction uses emerging technologies such as block-chain, cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence to study the design, pricing, and risk management of financial products and services, as well as some scientific issues in financial, operational, strategy, innovation, human and marketing decisions in the operation of enterprises. Students who choose this direction will study in Shenzhen Audenca Business School (SABS).

5.Entrepreneurial service engineering: This direction focuses on the emerging technology and entrepreneurship and will equip students with scientific and research-based innovation ability with systematic and engineering thinking. This direction will also help students master the professional knowledge related to entrepreneurial services such as start-up project management and business model strategy, so as to cultivate high-level top-notch talents for entrepreneurship and innovation. We only recruited international students for the program.


Professional English (Management Science and Engineering)、Management Research Methods、Advanced Economics、Research Seminar in Management Science and Engineering、Advanced Mathematical Statistics、Thesis Writing Skills、Advanced Operations Research


After graduation, students of this major can engage in decision-making consultation, business operation and management in national administrative departments at all levels, large and medium-sized industrial and commercial enterprises at home and abroad, foreign-funded enterprises, multinational corporations and foreign-funded enterprises, and engage in teaching and scientific research of relevant majors in Colleges and universities or scientific research institutions.




工商管理(国际班)International Business Administration


Business Administration


1.Training objectives

We closely concentrate on the fundamental task of establishing moral integrity and cultivating talents, adhere to the "four for" policy, to cultivate socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, sports, beauty and labor, and to meet the needs of the national and local economic and social development for innovative high-level talents.

(1) Moral character  We cultivate students with firm and correct political orientations to China. They have deep love for the socialist motherland, they support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and they master the basic principle of Marx and Lenin, Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping theory, the important thought of "Three Represents", and the socialist ideology of China and Scientific Outlook on Development with the Chinese characteristics in the new era. The students with good conduct, honest and trustworthy, physical and mental health and abide by the law. The student abide by academic ethics, they have rigorous academic attitude, spirit of unity and cooperation, and a sense of innovation and entrepreneurship.

(2) Knowledge structure and basic ability   Students joining in the academic master program are required to master the solid basic theory and systematic professional knowledge of the discipline, and have a wide range of knowledge. They are required to master a foreign language, they are able to apply foreign language on reading the professional literature in bilingual version skillfully, they are able to complete English paper abstract and a certain level listening and speaking ability. They are required to gain the ability to engage in scientific research, teaching, or independently undertake specialized technical work.

(3) Specific training objectives and basic requirements of the discipline

Our purpose is to cultivate senior business administration professionals who contribute to economic and social development in China. The graduate students have profound theoretical knowledge of modern management, can skillfully apply modern management research methods and techniques to solve practical management problems, and can be competent for requirements of management academic research or management practice of various industries.

2.Research Direction    The first level discipline of Business Administration has five research directions

1. Business analysis and operation management: Based on the manufacturing and service industries, this direction studies around the core issues of efficiency, quality, cost and financing in enterprise operation, combined with modern information technology means, using data, model and decision analysis methods to explore the problems and bottlenecks in enterprise operation, and put forward scientific basis for optimizing decision-making.

2. Consumer behavior and brand marketing innovation: Based on the theory of consumer behavior, this direction focuses on brand management, digital marketing and other marketing frontier fields, focusing on brand community, brand relationship, digital media communication, online consumer psychology and behavior, neural marketing and other marketing characteristics.

3. Organization and human resource management: This direction uses the theory of modern organization management and human resource management to study the frontier trend and hot issues of human resource management in organizations. The research field focuses on strategic human resource management, employment relationship management, employee innovation and entrepreneurship management, leadership development, organizational ethics and so on.

4. Strategy, innovation and Entrepreneurship Management: Based on the theory of modern management and enterprise strategic management, this direction focuses on the frontier issues such as enterprise institutional capital, small and micro enterprise growth obstacles, reverse knowledge transfer of multinational companies, strategic alliance of high-tech industries, and enterprise innovation ethical behavior.

5. Big data innovation, investment and financing management: This direction uses the theoretical methods of economics, technical economics, mathematical economics, industrial economy, technological innovation, big data and data mining to analyze and evaluate the utility, pricing and risk in investment and financing, so as to provide solutions for investment decision-making problems.


Professional English (Business Administration)、Management Research Methods、Advanced Economics、Financial Management、Multivariate Statistical Analysis、Artificial intelligence and innovation、Thesis Writing Skills、Development and Management of Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Bay Area


1. National, provincial and municipal comprehensive economic management departments or industry management departments at all levels

2. Domestic enterprises dominated by large and medium-sized industrial and commercial enterprises

3. Foreign funded or foreign-related industrial and commercial enterprises, internationally famous accounting firms and other types of consulting services and other intermediary enterprises

4. Banks, securities companies and other financial institutions

5. Continue to pursue a doctorate in Colleges and universities at home and abroad




外国语言文学Teaching English to speakers of Chinese(TESOC)


Teaching English to speakers of Chinese (TESOC)


The English Department enrolls undergraduate students majoring in English language and literature and English education, and graduate students majoring in English language and literature and linguistics / applied Linguistics. In addition, the department offers the master’s program Teaching English to Speakers of Chinese (TESOC) for international students and another master’s program of English Education, which is jointly organized by us and the School of Education. We aim to cultivate talents who are familiar with the general picture of politics, economics, language, history, and culture of English-speaking countries such as the United Kingdom and United States; who have basic humanistic and scientific literacy, a solid professional knowledge base, proficient translation and interpretation skills, a broad international vision, and strong cross-cultural communication skills; and who are able to engage in international communication, translation and interpretation, academic research, education and management in sectors of foreign affairs, trade, culture, education, tourism and more.

In order to keep in pace with the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Pilot Demonstration area of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, two minor programs, namely advanced Interpretation and International News and Foreign Affairs, as well as the English drama class, have been established. In addition, the department attaches great importance to practical training as part of students’ learning experience, and therefore makes full use of the public resources in Shenzhen, an important window for China's reform and opening up. We cooperate with organizations and companies such as China Xinhua News Network, Tencent Game Public Research and Development Operation System, Foreign Affairs Office of Shenzhen, and Shenzhen Daily, so as to establish a high-end internship base for undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students. In terms of educational facilities, we own two simultaneous interpretation laboratories, which have enjoyed the largest investment in liberal arts since the founding of the university. The laboratory covers a total area of 254 square meters and is equipped with 14 interpreting booths and 72 audience seats. We also have an advanced English phonetics analysis laboratory and a number of language learning laboratories, which sufficiently meet the needs of teachers and students of the school for digital language teaching and learning.


Guide to Thesis Writing, Reflective Practice on English Teaching, A Survey of Modern Linguistics, Approaches of Foreign Language Teaching, Social Practice, Literature Readings


Graduates are able to engage in international communication, translation and interpretation, academic research, education and management in sectors of foreign affairs, trade, culture, education, tourism and more.



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