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Notice on Hygieneand Safety Inspection of international Student dormitories in Yuehai Campus
Author:        Time:2023-11-29 17:01        hits:

Notice on Hygieneand Safety Inspection of international Student dormitories in Yuehai Campus

All international students:

In order to maintain the order of the international student building, improve the civilized level of the dormitory, and eliminate the potential safety risks of the dormitory, the College of International Exchange, together with the Security Department, the Logistics Support Department, AVIC Property Management and student representatives, will form a dormitory Hygieneand safety inspection team to carry out a comprehensive inspection of the international student dormitories in Yuehai campus. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

Ⅰ. Scope of Inspection:

International Dormitory, Haixing building, Haiqing building, Haiwang building

Ⅱ.Inspection time

Student self-inspection: November 30 - December 4, 2023;

School inspection: December 5 - December 8, 2023.

Ⅲ.Inspection content

(Ⅰ)Safety in dormitory rooms:

1.Whether there is illegal use of open flame (stop immediately and register feedback);

2. Whether there are hidden controlled knives (if found, it will be registered and collected);

3. Whether there is illegal use of high-power electrical appliances: such as storage or use of electric stoves, hot, microwave ovens, rice cookers, induction stoves, barbecue grills and electrical appliances without "3C" certification;

4. Whether there are power safety risks, such as disorderly wiring, too many plug and socket, long-term overload use of electrical appliances, Whether the practice of "turning off power when leaving" is followed and whether there are other violations in electricity usage.

5. Whether there are inflammable and explosive, highly corrosive, highly radioactive and other dangerous or toxic items stored;

6. Whether to carry or hide contraband expressly prohibited by national laws and regulations;

7. Whether there is feeding and housing of animals;

8. Whether personal belongings (including bicycles, washing machines, etc.) occupy the stairway or stair fire escape.

(Ⅱ)Hygiene in the room:

Whether it is clean and tidy.

(Ⅲ)Order in the room:

Whether accommodate outsiders.

Once violations are found, they will be punished in strict accordance with the《The Shenzhen University Student Accommodation Management Measures (Revised)》”

Let's work together to create a safe and comfortable accommodation.

Hereby notified.


1.《The Shenzhen University Student Accommodation Management Measures (Revised)》

2.《The Shenzhen University Implementation Rules for the Management of Illegal Items and Electricity in Student Dormitories》


College of International Exchange

November 29, 2023

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