招生简章|| 中文授课课程简介|| 英文授课课程简介 ||
学科 Discipline |
学院(部) Faculty |
专业 Program |
咨询邮箱 Consultation Email |
校区 Campus |
文科类 Liberal Arts |
国际交流学院 College of International Exchange |
汉语言文学 Chinese language and Literature |
lxsjw@szu.edu.cn |
粤海 Yuehai |
汉语国际教育 Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages(TCSOL) |
传播学院 School of Media and Communication |
网络与新媒体 The Internet and New Media |
caobolin@szu.edu.cn |
外国语学院 Collge of International Studies |
英语 English |
mangyue@szu.edu.cn |
日语 Japanese |
微众银行金融科技学院 Webank Institute of Financial Technology |
金融科技 Financial Technology |
miawan@szu.edu.cn |
心理学院 College of Psychology |
心理学 Psychology |
89323814@qq.com |
教育学部 Faculty of Education |
学前教育 Early Childhood Education |
404849058@qq.com |
艺术类 Arts |
艺术学部 Division of Arts |
美术学 Fine Arts |
yanjingxian@szu.edu.cn |
设计学类 Design |
表演(影视戏剧) Acting (Film, Television and Theatre) |
音乐表演(声乐演唱) Music Performance (Vocal Performance) |
音乐表演(器乐演奏) Music Performance (Instrumental Performance) |
音乐表演(音乐编创) Music Performance (Music Creation) |
音乐表演(流行演唱) Music Performance (Popular Music Performance) |
舞蹈编导 Choreography |
播音与主持艺术 Broadcasting and Hosting Art |
音乐学(师范) Musicology (Teacher Education) |
理学和工科类 Science & Engineering |
电子与信息工程学院 College of Electronics and Information Engineering |
电子信息工程 Electronic Information Engineering |
ciecj@szu.edu.cn |
电子科学与技术 Electronic Science and Technology |
计算机与软件学院 College of Computer Science and Software Engineering |
计算机科学与技术 Computer Science and Technology |
zonghailin@szu.edu.cn |
软件工程 Software Engineering |
数学科学学院 School of Mathematical Sciences |
数学与应用数学 Mathematics and Applied Mathematics |
tlf@szu.edu.cn |
统计学 Statistics |
土木与交通工程学院 College of Civil and Transportation Engineering |
智慧交通 Smart Transportation |
zjsong@szu.edu.cn |
工程管理 Engineering Management |
fancheng@szu.edu.cn |
智能建造 Intelligent Construction |
xiongchen@szu.edu.cn |
材料学院 College of Materials and Engineering |
高分子材料与工程 Polymer Materials and Engineering |
wangrongying@szu.edu.cn |
丽湖 Lihu |
材料科学与工程 Materials Science and Engineering |
化学与环境工程学院 College of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering |
化学 Chemistry |
guokai100@szu.edu.cn |
环境工程 Environmental Engineering |
新能源科学与工程 New Energy Science and Engineering |
食品科学与工程 Food Science and Engineering |
文科类 Liberal Arts |
法学院 Law School |
法学 Law |
zhangruqing96@163.com |
政府管理学院 School of Government |
行政管理 Public Administration |
gengxu@szu.edu.cn |
社会学 Sociology |
chishangxin@126.com |
管理学院 College of Management |
工商管理 Business Administration |
2416906794@qq.com |
电子商务 Electronic Commerce |
人力资源管理 Human Resource Management |
市场营销 Marketing |
信息管理与信息系统 Information Management and Information Systems |
工商管理(英文)* International Business Administration(English)* |
经济学院 College of Economics |
国际经济与贸易(英文)* International Economics and Trade(English)* |
maocheng@szu.edu.cn |
1. 标有*的专业为英文授课专业,其余为中文授课专业。
Programs marked with * are taught in English, the rest are taught in Chinese.
2. 汉语言文学专业大三分专业方向(商务、语言与文化)
Students enrolled in Chinese Language and Literature program will choose specialty in the third year (Commercial Affairs, Language and Culture).
3. 报读艺术学部的专业的学生需要专业测试。美术学专业大三分专业方向(国画、油画、版画、雕塑);设计学类大二分专业【艺术设计学(创意策划与设计管理)、视觉传达设计、环境设计、产品设计、服装与服饰设计、数字媒体艺术】。
Specialized test is required for programs under Division of Arts.Students enrolled in Fine Arts program will choose specialty in the third year (Traditional Chinese Painting, Oil Painting, Printmaking, Sculpture); Students enrolled in Design program will choose specialty in the second year [Art Design (Creative Planning and Design Management),Visual Communication Design, Environmental Design, Product Design, Clothing and Apparel Design, Environmental Design, Animation].