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学科及导师简介(物理学)Program and Supervisor Profiles(Physics)
作者:        发布时间:2024-09-30 15:19        点击数:

物理学 Physics


Physics 070200


The Physics program at Shenzhen University has developed a comprehensive talent training system that spans from undergraduate to postdoctoral levels. It offers undergraduate programs in Physics and Physics Education (Teacher Training), along with master's and doctoral programs in Physics, and a postdoctoral research station in Physics. The program is strategically positioned to focus on the frontiers of global science and technology, particularly in areas such as quantum science and condensed matter physics, while also responding to the nation’s major strategic needs in quantum technology and new materials. The goal is to establish an innovative ecosystem of "fundamental research + technological breakthroughs + outcome transformation + talent cultivation" to support the major innovation demands of the nation and the Greater Bay Area.

The program has several research directions: Quantum Science and Technology, Condensed Matter Physics, Thin Film Physics and Technology, Particle and Nuclear Physics, and Optics. Noteworthy achievements have been made in fields like quantum physics, quantum precision measurement, topological quantum states, the design and simulation of nanoelectronic devices, laser physics technology, functional films and devices, and advanced nuclear energy technology. The program aims to train professionals engaged in fundamental scientific research and its applications while also aligning with Shenzhen’s development as a pilot demonstration area for socialism. It fosters interdisciplinary integration between physics and fields such as electronics, information technology, and materials science. Since November 2019, Shenzhen University's Physics program has been ranked in the top 1% of ESI globally and is now within the top 0.3%.

The Physics program is divided into five main research directions:

1. Quantum Science and Technology: Research areas include quantum engineering and artificial quantum systems, quantum correlation and novel quantum states, quantum precision measurement and quantum sensing, light-matter interactions, and others.

2. Condensed Matter Physics: Research focuses on quantum transport theory, simulations of transport properties in nanodevices, the regulation of novel physical properties in low-dimensional materials, and more.

3. Thin Film Physics and Technology: Research covers energy film materials and devices, optoelectronic film materials and devices, sensitive film materials and devices, and other related topics.

4. Optics: Research areas include ultrafast laser and spectroscopy technology, biophotonics, fiber-optic sensing technology, the fabrication of new semiconductors and optoelectronic devices, and others.

5. Particle and Nuclear Physics: Research includes theoretical nuclear physics, experimental nuclear physics, plasma physics, applications of nuclear technology, and more.


Advanced quantum mechanics II》,《Quantum Statistical Physics》,《The introduction of solid state physics》,《Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology》,《Frontiers in Photophysics》,《Frontiers in Film Physics》,《Frontiers in Nuclear Physics》,《Frontiers in Nuclear Reactor Physics》,《Frontiers in Reliability Engineering and Risk Assessment at Nuclear Power Plant》、《Frontiers in Radiation Detectors and Applications》


Most graduates stay in Shenzhen and find employment in well-known high-tech companies, both domestically and internationally, such as Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd., BYD Co., Ltd., ZTE Corporation, China Telecom Corporation Ltd., TCL China Star Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd., Lenovo Information Products (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., Orbbec Technology Group Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Xiaopeng Autonomous Driving Technology Co., Ltd., OFILM Group Co., Ltd., and others. Some graduates continue their studies at prestigious universities and research institutions at home and abroad, including Sun Yat-sen University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Nankai University, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing University, Tianjin University, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fudan University, and Beijing Institute of Technology, among others.


 Email:,Professor Zhong, Office Phone: 0755-26906861                  

















Email:,钟老师 ,办公室电话:0755-26906861                 





Xiaodong Zhang



  深圳大学特聘教授/博导,国际辐射探测器及成像应用究领域专家,中国辐射防护协会加速器分会理事。先后荣获“三晋英才”领军人才称号(2019,中组部创新海外高层次专家称号(2017,山西省第十批百人计划专家称号(2017,美国田纳西大学杰出研究教授奖(2015, 国际Innocentive发明奖(2015);主持国家自然基金项,山西省百人计划、国家“863”计划青年、中核领创项目、近物所所长、教育部和留学基金委基金各一项,横向课题多项;转化快中子CT技术和X射线管道检测技术各一项;累计发表论文50余篇,其中第一署名和通讯作者SCI论文十;授权专利10项主要从事的科研领域为特殊核材料(铀钚)检测及质量衡算技术、辐射探测及其应用技术、X射线CT软硬件研发等。


    Shenzhen University Distinguished Professor and PhD supervisor, an international expert in the field of radiation detectors and their imaging applications, and a council member of the Accelerator Division of the China Radiation Protection Association. He has received numerous prestigious awards, including the "Shanxi Talent" Leading Talent title (2019), the Innovation Overseas High-level Expert title  (2017), the 10th Batch of Shanxi Province 100-Talent Program Expert title (2017), the Distinguished Research Professor Award from the University of Tennessee, USA (2015), and the Innocentive International Invention Award (2015). He has led five National Natural Science Foundation projects and various other projects, including the Shanxi 100-Talent Program, the National 863 Youth Program, China Nuclear Lead Innovation Project, CAS Director’s Fund, Ministry of Education Fund, and the CSC Study Abroad Fund. He has also undertaken multiple horizontal projects and commercialized fast neutron CT technology and X-ray pipeline inspection technology. He has published more than 50 papers, over 10 of which are SCI-indexed as first author or corresponding author, and holds 10 authorized patents. His main research areas include the detection and mass balance of special nuclear materials (uranium, plutonium), radiation detection and application technology, and the development of X-ray CT hardware and software.





Yang Ming





Professor Yang Ming focuses on teaching, research, and talent development in the fields of nuclear safety and reliability analysis, operational support technologies for nuclear power plants/nuclear propulsion systems, reliability of digital instrumentation and control systems, software reliability, information security technology, human-computer interaction, and effectiveness evaluation of physical protection systems in nuclear power plants. He has led projects funded by the International Natural Science Foundation, the National Nuclear Energy Development Project, and Sino-European Nuclear Cooperation, and has participated in national 863 programs and major science and technology projects, while also overseeing several corporate horizontal projects. Professor Yang has published over 150 academic papers in international journals and conferences and authored three books.





Wang Jipu



王吉浦副教授,主要从事反应堆物理及核设施退役方法研究,等领域的教学、科研和人才培养工作,曾作为核心研究人员参与了美国政府牵引的轻水反应堆先进仿真联盟(CASL)”计划,主持了数值反应堆物理计算程序MPACT的程序验证与确认子项目。在密西根大学担任研究员期间作为项目核心成员主持美国橡树岭国家实验室熔盐试验堆MSRE Benchmark反应堆物理模拟项目。在EnergySolutions任职期间,作为项目主要技术负责人参与反应堆退役过程中水下切割及装载项目,研发的“极致低辐”方法应用于美国大型商用反应堆退役研究截至目前以第一作者身份在Annals of Nuclear Energy, PHYSOR, M&C等国际知名期刊及会议上发表论文20余篇。


Associate Professor Wang Jipu is primarily engaged in teaching, research, and talent development in the fields of reactor physics and nuclear facility decommissioning methods. He has served as a core researcher in the U.S. government-led "Advanced Simulation for Light Water Reactors (CASL)" program and has led the verification and validation project for the numerical reactor physics calculation code MPACT. During his tenure at the University of Michigan as a researcher, he was a key member of the team overseeing the reactor physics simulation project for the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. While working at EnergySolutions, he was the principal technical lead for underwater cutting and loading projects in the reactor decommissioning process, where he developed the "Ultra-Low Radiation" method, applied to the decommissioning research of large commercial reactors in the U.S. To date, he has published over 20 papers as the first author in internationally recognized journals and conferences such as Annals of Nuclear Energy, PHYSOR, and M&C.





Zheng Zhuanghao



现任深圳大学物理与光电工程学院研究员,博士毕业于法国雷恩第一大学,深圳市海外高层次人才;一直从事新型能源薄膜材料和器件方面的研究,在Nature Sustainability,Nature Communication,Advanced Energy Materials,Advanced Functional Materials和Nano Energy等国内外主要专业期刊上发表SCI收录论文100余篇。主持或结题国家自然科学基金面上项目,国家青年自然科学基金项目,广东省自然科学基金深圳市科技计划等多项项目。


He worked as researcher in College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Shenzhen University. He obtained his PhD degree from University of Rennes 1, France. Granted as overseas high caliber personnel in Shenzhen. He has extensive experience in energy related thin film materials and applications. He published over 100 science citation index (SCI) journal papers in Nature Sustainability, Nature Communication, Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Nano Energy and other journals. He is responsible for National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, and other projects.





Kong, Xianghua



博士生导师,广东省高层次人才,深圳市优秀青年,深圳市海外高层次人才B类。致力于基于大体系第一性原理计算的多尺度模拟方法的发展和应用,围绕原子尺度的低维体系的表界面精准调控,发展理论模拟方法,开发计算工具和平台,以进行新材料预测与功能器件设计。近五年在国际高水平期刊发表第一/通讯作者论文15篇,其中包括3篇Nature Communications,1篇Science Advances,1篇Chem,1篇Energy & Environmental Science,1篇ACS Nano,1篇Angewandte Chemie和1篇 npj Computational Materials等。文章总引用超过5000次(WOS),工作多次被Science,Nature的学术期刊报道。


PhD supervisor, recognized as a High-level Talent of Guangdong Province, Shenzhen Outstanding Young Talent, Category B Shenzhen Overseas High-level Talent. Dedicated to advancing multiscale simulation methodologies based on first-principles calculations within large-scale systems, with a focus on atomic-scale precision interfacial control in low-dimensional systems. This involves advancing theoretical simulation methods and developing computational tools and platforms for new material prediction and functional device design. In the past five years, 15 papers published as the first or corresponding author in leading international journals, including 3 in Nature Communications, 1 in Science Advances, 1 in Chem, 1 in Energy & Environmental Science, 1 in ACS Nano, 1 in Angewandte Chemie, and 1 in npj Computational Materials. The publications have accrued over 5000 citations according to the Web of Science, with multiple instances of coverage in academic journals under the Science and Nature groups.





Xing Gong



博士毕业于比利时鲁汶大学(KU Leuven)和比利时核研究中心(SCK CEN)。现为深圳大学副教授/特聘研究员,博士生导师,深圳市海外高层次人才。目前主要从事铅铋快堆材料的腐蚀和液态金属脆化机理、溶解氧测控技术和防腐蚀新材料等方面的研究,在Progress in Materials Science、Acta Materialia、Corrosion Science、Scripta Materialia等国内外期刊发表学术论文60余篇,主持国家自然科学基金面上、青年、核电央企等多个项目,申请发明专利13项。


Xing Gong is an associate professor at Department of Nuclear Science and Technology of Shenzhen University. From 2004 to 2011, he obtained his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in powder metallurgy at Central South University, China. Then, he moved to Belgium in October 2011 for pursuing a PhD degree in KU Leuven and Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK CEN). His PhD thesis was focused on low cycle fatigue of steels in liquid lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) under the support of the ADS-MYRRHA project. After he obtained the PhD degree in 2015, he continued a postdoc work at SCK CEN. In 2016, he decided to move to China Nuclear Power Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., and joined a research team working on accident tolerant fuel (ATF). Since early 2018, he has been working in Shenzhen University.

His current research foci are placed on corrosion and stress corrosion cracking behaviors of various materials in heavy liquid metals (e.g., Pb and PbBi) as well as development of novel anticorrosion materials.
