英文简介 |
Tao Yuan (M’19) received the B.E. degree in electronic engineering and the M.E. degree in signal and information processing at Xidian University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China, in 1999 and 2003, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering at Na-tional University of Singapore, Singapore, in 2009. He was a Visiting Scholar at University of Houston from 2007 to 2008. Since 2016, he has been a Distinguished Professor with the ATR National Key Laboratory of Defense Technology and the Col-lege of Electronics and Information Engineering at Shenzhen Uni-versity, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. He is the Director of the Guangdong Provincial Mobile Terminal Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Antenna Engineering Research Center and the Deputy Director of the Guangdong-Hong Kong Joint Laboratory for Big Data Imaging and Communication. He is a Visiting Professor (2021–) at Chong-qing University and an Adjunct Professor (2021–) at Fudan Univer-sity. He is leading a group of over 50 members including faculties and graduate students, performing fundamental and application stud-ies in the areas of RF/microwave/millimeter-wave frontend devices, antennas, ICs, and advanced manufacturing techniques for micro-waves and microelectronics. He has PIed/co-PIed over 10 govern-mental and entrepreneurial research projects on 5G antennas (ar-rays), transmission lines, and antennas in package for smart IoT/mobile terminals. His current research interests include design and implementation of novel RF frontend chips/modules and inte-grated devices/antennas/circuits for 5G/B5G applications. He has advised over 20 graduate students and has authored/co-authored over 100 international journal and conference publications. He has co-authored the book Antenna Design for 5G Mobile Terminals (Posts & Telecom Press, 2021). Dr. Yuan is a Member of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation So-ciety, IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society, and the China Communications Standards Association. He is a Senior Mem-ber of the China Institute of Communications (CIC). He serves as a Reviewer for several international journals and conferences and is the organizing committee member of APMC2020 (Technical Pro-gram Committee Member) and CSRSWTC2021 (General Chair). He serves as a consultant for several research institutions and Hi-Tech companies in China. He received numerous teaching, entrepreneurial, and talent awards in China. He is the recipient of the Outstanding Individual Award (2018) from Shenzhen University and the co-recipient of the Second Place Award of the CIC Science and Tech-nology Award. His students and group members have received over 50 scholarships and awards in China.