学习期限 |
2024年3月4日-6月28日(不含考试时间)(暂定) |
上课时间 |
周一到周五8:30-11:40am(主要课程) 周一到周五13:00-17:30pm(选修课程) |
每周学时 |
课程周学时:24学时或以上 必修课:20学时 选修课:4学时(必须选择4学时以上的选修课) |
必修课程 |
综合、口语、听力、读写、视听说等,根据等级的不同而定 |
选修课程 |
语言课程:入门交际口语、普通话语音、汉字强化、汉语角等 |
文化课程:中国书法、中国画、茶文化、剪纸等 |
专业课程:深圳概况、中国文化概况、中国现当代文学赏析等 |
课外活动 |
初见深圳活动、国际文化节、运动会、诗词朗诵会、汉语角等 |
其他服务 |
本项目提供学生签证 |
证书 |
完成规定学时,考试合格者,可获得结业证书 |
费用 |
报名费:400元人民币 |
学费:11000元人民币/学期(课程周学时为24学时或以上) |
层级 |
层级说明 |
必修课程 |
周学时 |
学习目标 |
没接受过汉语培训的学习者 |
10 |
入门A口语 |
6 |
入门A听力 |
4 |
入门B班 |
接受过100学时汉语培训或学过100词的学习者 |
入门B综合 |
8 |
复习汉语拼音,学习简单的汉字,掌握500左右词汇量,进行基本会话交流。 |
入门B口语 |
8 |
入门B听说 |
4 |
初级A班 |
接受过300学时汉语培训或学过500词的学习者 |
初级A综合 |
8 |
初级A口语 |
6 |
初级A听说 |
6 |
初级B班 |
接受过360学时汉语培训或学过1000词的学习者 |
初级B综合 |
8 |
初级B口语 |
8 |
初级B听说 |
4 |
中级A班 |
中级A综合 |
8 |
中级A口语 |
6 |
中级A听说 |
6 |
中级B班 |
接受过720学时汉语培训或学过2000词的学习者 |
中级B综合 |
8 |
掌握2500左右词汇量,能对某问题发表自己的看法,具有良好的读写能力。 |
中级B听说 |
6 |
中级B读写 |
6 |
高级A班 |
接受过900学时汉语培训或学过2500词的学习者 |
高级A综合 |
8 |
掌握3200左右词汇量,能对社会热点进行深入的探讨,能够撰写300字以上的文章。 |
高级A视听 |
8 |
高级A读写 |
4 |
高级B班 |
接受过1100学时汉语培训或学过3200词的学习者 |
高级B综合 |
8 |
掌握4000左右词汇量,能对社会热点进行深入的探讨,能够撰写400字以上的文章。 |
高级B视听说 |
6 |
高级B读写 |
6 |
商务班 |
接受过1100学时汉语培训或学过3200词,想了解商务知识的学习者 |
商务汉语综合 |
6 |
在与创业、企业管理等有关的商务活动中自如、得体地运用汉语进行交流,能撰写400字以上的文章。 |
商务口语交际 |
4 |
商务汉语阅读 |
4 |
中国经济解读 |
2 |
市场营销 |
2 |
中国法律制度专题 |
2 |
课程 |
说明 |
周学时 |
授课时间 |
普通话语音 |
适合初学者及需要纠正发音的学习者 |
2 |
汉字强化 |
适合初学者及需要练习汉字的学习者 |
2 |
一周一次,每次80分钟,下午上课 |
入门口语交际 |
适合初学者 |
2 |
一周一次,每次80分钟,下午上课 |
汉语角 |
适合所有水平的学习者,中外学生均可参与 |
2 |
一周一次,每次80分钟,下午上课 |
中国书法 |
适合所有学习者 |
2 |
一周一次,每次80分钟,下午上课 |
茶艺课 |
适合所有学习者 |
2 |
一周一次,每次80分钟,下午上课 |
课程 |
说明 |
周学时 |
授课时间 |
中国书法 |
适合所有学习者 |
2 |
一周一次,每次80分钟,下午上课 |
中国画 |
适合所有学习者 |
2 |
一周一次,每次80分钟,下午上课 |
茶艺课 |
适合所有学习者 |
2 |
一周一次,每次80分钟,下午上课 |
剪纸 |
适合所有学习者 |
2 |
一周一次,每次80分钟,下午上课 |
3. 专业课程
课程 |
说明 |
周学时 |
授课时间 |
深圳概况 |
适合初级和中级水平的学习者 |
2 |
一周一次,每次80分钟,下午上课 |
中国文化概论 |
适合高级水平的学习者 |
2 |
一周一次,每次80分钟,下午上课 |
中国现当代文学作品赏析 |
适合高级水平的学习者 |
2 |
一周一次,每次80分钟,下午上课 |


2024 Spring Semester Offline Long-term Chinese Language Program
at College of International Exchange, Shenzhen University
I. Introduction to SZU and CIE
1.SZU is the only comprehensive university in Shenzhen, as one of the top 30 universities nationwide. The main campus is beautiful with complete living facilities and convenient transportation.
2.SZU started to enroll international students since 1987 and has nurtured over 20,000 international students so far. In 2019, SZU was granted the National Quality Certification of Studying in China by the China Education Association for International Exchange.
3.Adopting a multi-cultural curriculum featuring both local and global issue, CIE does not only offer regular degree programs at its core, but also develops flexible on-demand non-degree programs featuring different course components and learning periods. It has become the most recognized and established institute for international Chinese education in Shenzhen.
4.CIE is staffed with a distinguished and professional team of committed instructors, who have been teaching Chinese to international students for over a decade, with TCFL certificates. Quite a few of them own titles of professor or Ph.D. degrees. Their teaching earns great respect and reputation from students, with a student retention rate of over 80%.
II. Program Description
Duration |
March 4-June 28, 2024 (Excluding exam dates) (Tentative) |
Time |
8:30-11:40am Monday to Friday (Compulsory courses) 13:00-17:30pm Monday to Friday (Elective courses) |
Class hours/week |
Class hours/week: 24 class hours or more Compulsory courses: 20 class hours Elective courses: 4 class hours (at least 4 class hours must be selected) |
Core courses |
Comprehensive Chinese, Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing, Speaking using Audio-visual Aids, etc. (to be offered depending on specific levels) |
Elective Courses
Language courses: Oral Communication for Beginners, Mandarin Phonetics, Intensive Training on Chinese Characters, Chinese Corner, etc. |
Culture courses: Chinese Calligraphy, Chinese painting, Tea Culture, Chinese Paper-cutting, etc. |
Professional courses: Overview of Shenzhen, Introduction to Chinese Culture, Appreciation of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature, etc. |
Extracurricular Activities |
Orientation Tour in the City, International Cultural Festival, University Sports Meeting, Recital of Chinese Classic Works, Chinese Corner, etc. |
Other services |
Student visa is provided for this program |
Certificate |
Students who have earned the required credits and passed the examinations will receive a certificate of program completion. |
Fees |
Tuition fee: 11,000 RMB per semester (Class hours/week: 24 class hours or more) |
III.Levels and Compulsory Courses in Spring 2024
Time: March 4-June 28, 2024; 8:30-11:40am (Beijing Time) (Tentative)
Duration: 2 class hours/time, 40 minutes/class hour
Level |
Description |
Compulsory courses
Class hours/week |
Learning objectives |
Beginners A
For new starters
Comprehensive Chinese for Beginners A |
10 |
Learners are expected to master Chinese Pinyin, simple Chinese characters, acquire a vocabulary of about 500 words and carry out basic conversations. |
Speaking for Beginners A |
6 |
Listening for Beginners A |
4 |
Beginners B
For learners who have received 100 class hours of Chinese language training or have learned 100 words
Comprehensive Chinese for Beginners B |
8 |
Learners will review Chinese Pinyin, master simple Chinese characters, acquire a vocabulary of about 500 words and carry out basic conversations.
Speaking for Beginners B |
8 |
Listening and Speaking for Beginners B |
4 |
Elementary A
For learners who have received 300 class hours of Chinese language training or have learned 500 words
Comprehensive Chinese for Elementary A |
8 |
Learners are expected to master about 1,000 words, basic grammar and be able to carry out daily conversations. |
Speaking for Elementary A |
6 |
Listening and Speaking for Elementary A |
6 |
Elementary B
For learners who have received 360 class hours of Chinese language training or have learned 1,000 words
Comprehensive Chinese for Elementary B |
8 |
Learners are expected to master about 1,300 words, basic grammar and be able to talk fluently in daily conversations. |
Speaking for Elementary B |
8 |
Listening and Speaking for Elementary B |
4 |
Intermediate A
For learners who have received 600 class hours of Chinese language training or have learned 1,600 words
Comprehensive Chinese for Intermediate A |
8 |
Learners are expected to master about 1,800 words, and be able to talk fluently in conversations, and read/write simple passages. |
Speaking for Intermediate A |
6 |
Listening and Speaking for Intermediate A |
6 |
Intermediate B
For learners who have received 720 class hours of Chinese language training or have learned 2,000 words
Comprehensive Chinese for Intermediate B |
8 |
Learners are expected to master about 2,500 words, and be able to express opinions on certain topics, with good reading/writing skills. |
Listening and Speaking for Intermediate B |
6 |
Reading and Writing for Intermediate B |
6 |
Advanced A |
For learners who have received 900 class hours of Chinese language training or have learned 2,500 words |
Comprehensive Chinese for Advanced A |
8 |
Learners are expected to master about 3,200 words, and be able to conduct in-depth discussions on heated topics in society, and write passages of around 300 words. |
Speaking using Audio-visual Aids for Advanced A |
8 |
Reading and Writing for Advanced A |
4 |
Advanced B |
For learners who have received 1,100 class hours of Chinese language training or have learned 3,200 words |
Comprehensive Chinese for Advanced B |
8 |
Learners are expected to master about 4,000 words, conduct in-depth discussions on heated topics in society, and write passages of around 400 words. |
Speaking using Audio-visual Aids for Advanced B |
6 |
Reading and Writing for Advanced B |
6 |
Business Chinese |
For learners who have received 1,100 class hours of Chinese language training or have learned 3,200 words and who wish to learn about business
Comprehensive Business Chinese |
6 |
Learners are expected to communicate in business activities related to entrepreneurship and business management naturally, and write passages of over 400 words.
Business Communication |
4 |
Business Reading
4 |
Interpretation of Chinese Economy |
2 |
Marketing |
2 |
Chinese Legal System |
2 |
IV. Elective Courses
Time: March 11-June 28, 2024; 13:00-17:30pm Monday to Friday (Beijing Time) (specific time to be confirmed)
Duration: 2 class hours/time, 40 minutes/class hour
1.Language Courses
Course |
Description |
Class hours/week
Time |
Mandarin Phonetics |
For beginners and learners who need to improve their pronunciation |
2 |
Once a week, 80 minutes each time, on afternoons |
Intensive Training on Chinese Characters |
For beginners and learners who need to practice Chinese characters
2 |
Once a week, 80 minutes each time, on afternoons |
Chinese Communication for Beginners
For beginners |
2 |
Once a week, 80 minutes each time, on afternoons |
Chinese Corner
For learners at all levels; open for Chinese and international students |
2 |
Once a week, 80 minutes each time, on afternoons |
Tea Art |
For all learners |
2 |
Once a week, 80 minutes each time, on afternoons |
2.Culture Courses
Course |
Description |
Class hours/week
Time |
Chinese Calligraphy |
For all learners |
2 |
Once a week, 80 minutes each time, on afternoons |
Tea Art |
For all learners |
2 |
Once a week, 80 minutes each time, on afternoons |
Chinese Paper-cutting |
For all learners |
2 |
Once a week, 80 minutes each time, on afternoons |
3.Professional Courses
Course |
Description |
Class hours/week
Time |
Overview of Shenzhen |
For learners at elementary and intermediate level |
2 |
Once a week, 80 minutes each time, on afternoons |
Introduction to Chinese Culture |
For learners at advanced level |
2 |
Once a week, 80 minutes each time, on afternoons |
Appreciation of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature |
For learners at advanced level |
2 |
Once a week, 80 minutes each time, on afternoons |
Online Application:
Visit http://lxs.szu.edu.cn or scan the QR code below for online applications. After submitting your application, please check your email promptly and pay attention to the application and admission progress.

Application Deadline:
December 20, 2023 (for those who need a student visa)
March 15, 2024 (for those who don’t need a student visa)
Contact Us:
Program Officer:Ms. Huang
Consult on WeChat:

Tel: +86-0755-26558117/86937695
Email: ciec@szu.edu.cn
Special Notes:
Starting from the spring semester of 2024, the tuition fee for the Offline Long-term Chinese Language Program will be adjusted to 11,000 RMB. Students who have already paid their one-year tuition fee in the autumn of 2023 will not be affected by this policy.