I.Introduction to SZU and CIE
1.SZU is the only comprehensive university in Shenzhen, as one of the top 30 universities nationwide. It started to enroll international students since 1987 and has nurtured over 20,000 international students so far. In 2019, SZU was granted the National Quality Certification of Studying in China by the China Education Association for International Exchange.
2.Adopting a multi-cultural curriculum featuring both local and global issue, CIE does not only offer regular degree programs at its core, but also develops flexible on-demand non-degree programs featuring different course components and learning periods. It has become the most recognized and established institute for international Chinese education in Shenzhen.
3.CIE is staffed with a distinguished and professional team of committed instructors, who have been teaching Chinese to international students for over a decade, with TCFL certificates. Quite a few of them own titles of professor or Ph.D. degrees. Their teaching earns great respect and reputation from students, with a student retention rate of over 80%.
II. Introduction to the Program
This online Business Chinese program is aimed at improving Chinese communication skills effectively in business events as well as daily business-related routines and social contacts for learners with business needs, prospective job seekers and the working population in China. It is scheduled into two sessions, with Week 1 to Week 8 as the first session, and Week 9 to Week 16 as the second (excluding public holidays). Learners can opt for two sessions.
2.Courses offered:
Comprehensive Business Chinese, Business Chinese Communication, Business Chinese Reading, etc.
Session 1 (Week 1 to Week 8): February 28 to April 22 (excluding public holidays, more details to be confirmed)
Session 2 (Week 9 to Week 16): April 25 to June 24 (excluding public holidays, more details to be confirmed)
(1)Elementary Business Chinese 1 & 2: 8:30-11:40am (Beijing time) on every Tuesday to Thursday
(2)Intermediate Business Chinese 1 & 2: 8:30-11:40am (Beijing time) on every Wednesday to Friday
(3)Advanced Business Chinese 1 & 2: 8:30-11:40am (Beijing time) on every Monday to Friday
Schedules for elementary courses and intermediate courses can be readjusted to 14:00-17:10pm (Beijing time) based on learners’ actual needs.
4.Class size: Each elementary or intermediate course will be offered to a minimum class size of 5 students. Learners of advanced courses will join the undergraduate classes in accordance with their corresponding levels.
5.Other services: Online one-on-one course consultancy is provided to learners in need.
6.Online platform: Courses are offered synchronously via ClassIn app which allows review on recorded videos.
7.Certificate: Learners who complete required credits and pass examinations can be awarded with an e-Certificate of Course Completion.
8.Tuition fees:
Elementary/Intermediate Business Chinese: 4,200 RMB/session; 7,800 RMB for two sessions
Advanced Business Chinese: 4,500 RMB/session; 8,800 RMB for two sessions
III. Program features
1.One-on-one course consultancy is provided.
2.Learners can select study session either for 8 weeks or 16 weeks based on their actual needs. Elementary and intermediate courses are offered 3 times a week, 4 periods each time. The time length of learning is short and intense, followed by more practical business modules.
3.The online courses are offered synchronously via ClassIn app which allows learners to interact with instructors in real-time. They can also communicate with the instructors one-on-one via Wechat app as well.
4.We also offer online business lectures presented by company senior managers to share their experiences in internet entrepreneurship, running social media platforms, and financial practices, etc.
5.Learners have the opportunity to visit highly recognized enterprises in Shenzhen or even do field research and in-depth communication in those enterprises. (Please note that this opportunity is only available to learners who have been staying in Shenzhen.)
6.Learners also have the opportunity to practice their speaking skills in the “Chinese Corner” and can communicate with TCFL majors online.
7.E-transcript and e-Certificate of Course Completion are provided.
IV. Levels and courses to be offered in Session 1, Spring 2022
Time: 8:30-11:40 (Beijing time) February 28 – April 22 (Week 1 to Week 8)
Duration: 2 academic hours/time, 40 minutes/academic hour, 5-minute break
Level |
Description |
Course |
Academic hours per week/Total academic hours |
Learning objective |
Elementary Business Chinese 1-A |
For leaners who have studied Chinese for 6 months (340 academic hours) |
Elementary Comprehensive Business Chinese 1-A |
6/48 |
Learners are expected to master common expressions used in business practices. |
Elementary Business Chinese Speaking 1-A |
6/48 |
Advanced Business Chinese 2-A |
For learners who have studied Chinese for 3 years (1,500 academic hours) |
Advanced Comprehensive Business Chinese 2-A |
6/48 |
Learners can communicate in Chinese naturally and decently in business practices such as market research, advertising, business management, etc. |
Advanced Business Chinese Speaking 2-A |
4/32 |
Advanced Business Chinese Reading 2-A |
4/32 |
V. Levels and courses to be offered in Session 2, Spring 2022
Time: 8:30-11:40 (Beijing time) April 25 – June 24 (Week 9 to Week 16)
Duration: 2 academic hours/time, 40 minutes/academic hour, 5-minute break
Level |
Description |
Course |
Academic hour per week/Total academic hour |
Learning objective |
Elementary Business Chinese 1-B |
For learners who have studied Chinese for 500 academic hours |
Advanced Comprehensive Business Chinese 1-B |
6/48 |
Learners are expected to master common expressions used in business practices such as shopping, office affairs, etc. |
Advanced Business Chinese Speaking 1-B |
6/48 |
Advanced Business Chinese 2-B |
For learners who have studied Chinese for 3 years (1,600 academic hours) |
Advanced Comprehensive Business Chinese 2-B |
6/48 |
Learners can communicate in Chinese naturally and decently in business practices such as trade follow-ups, business agency, etc. |
Advanced Business Chinese Speaking 2-B |
4/32 |
Advanced Business Chinese Reading 2-B |
4/32 |
About Application:
Please scan the code below (the public news feed of CIE) for more information.

Online Application: http://lxs.szu.edu.cn
Application Deadline: February 18, 2022
Telephone: +86-755-26558894/26535159
Email: ciec@szu.edu.cn