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NEWS | Shenzhen University International Students Receive Awards: World Legacy Young Venture Team won the Third Prize in the First Digital Trade Cup - "One Belt, One Road" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition
Author:        Time:2023-10-26 14:16        hits:

Source: Zhejiang African Service Center

Date: 2023.10.23

Graphic Editor: Chen Mo (SZU International Students Development Centre)

On October 20, the grand final of the Digital Trade Cup - Belt and Road Competition for International Students in China was successfully held in the School of International Business of Zhejiang University. With the theme of "Digital Trade, Global Business", the competition was jointly organized by the "Belt and Road" Local Cooperation Committee and the Management Committee of Hangzhou Area of China (Zhejiang) Pilot Free Trade Zone, and co-sponsored by the School of International Business of Zhejiang University and the Zhejiang African Service Center.

Undertaken by Zhejiang University International Business School and Zhejiang Africa Service Center, the competition focuses on digital reform and gathers "youth" power, aiming at accelerating the construction of an all-round, multi-level and wide-area opening-up pattern, continuously opening up and innovating, and thickly planting the soil for growth, so as to make the "Digi-Gourd Economy" more flourishing.

The competition takes "digital economy" and "groundnut economy" as an opportunity, focuses  on five major directions: attracting talents, gathering resources, expanding market, optimizing layout and strengthening headquarters, focuses on digital economy, new industries, new forms, new technologies and other fields, innovates new modes of cultivating talents, and cultivates talents with solid knowledge and experience in the field of trade. It focuses on the fields of digital economy, new industries, new modes and new technologies, innovates new modes of talent cultivation, and cultivates innovative and complex talents with solid professionalism, Chinese sentiment, international vision and global mindset.

Since its launch in July, it has gained great attention from various institutions, which have formulated relevant incentive policies to encourage teachers and students to pay extensive attention and actively participate in it. After selection, 10 projects from Zhejiang University, Shenzhen University, Zhejiang Normal University, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Wenzhou Medical University, Zhejiang Institute of Science and Technology and other institutions stood out from the national election, in the final stage of the live roadshow defense, a competition.

This time, the projects are closely related to digital trade, meta-universe, AI intelligence, big data and other fields, fully demonstrating the educational achievements in the construction of the "Belt and Road", and showing the mission and responsibility. The ten final projects defended their roadshows around team situation, market positioning, business model, financial analysis, competitive advantages, etc.

A number of senior industry experts and education experts from all over the country asked questions and commented on the project from the dimensions of education, innovation, development, business, social value, etc. and put forward guiding opinions. Based on the comprehensive evaluation, the Spring Eve project from Wenzhou Medical University stood out and won the championship. Teams from Zhejiang University International Business School, Zhejiang Normal University, Shenzhen University, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics and Zhejiang University won the second and third prizes.

Yi Jianan, Director of the Department of Industry-Education Integration of Zhejiang African Service Center, and Shao Hui, Assistant Professor of International Joint Business School of Zhejiang University, presented the awards to the third prize winners.

SZU's project "Living Legacy - Virtual Digital Person to help the international cultural heritage revitalization forerunner" is a Chinese and foreign students' entrepreneurial project, which includes: Team leader Pan Miaoyin from the School of Communication, team member Intakhab Alam Qadri (Pakistan), a PH.d student from the School of Computer Science and Software Engineering. , Chen Yingxuan (College of Humanities), and POONEH DABIRI (Iran), a postgraduate student of the College of Foreign Languages.

The project advisor is Mr. Wang Jianlei from the College of Communication, and the tournament advisor is Ms. Chen Mo from the Center for International Student Development of the College of International Exchange.

SZU World Heritage Young Team at the Grand Final Site

The project focuses on virtual digital person technology, superimposed on vertical big model, full-scene digital twin, cultural and bo digital assets transformation, and is committed to the whole chain to empower the international cultural and bo revitalization and dissemination.

The project has been precipitated for three years, with strong technical advantages in the field of non-heritage and cultural and bo digitalization, linking 50+ museums and 80+ non-heritage bearers, reaching millions of intentional investment with partners such as Quanzhou Non-heritage Museum and Tencent, and being selected to be included in the 2023 Tantrum Plan - Intelligent Production Demonstration Project for Chinese Cultural Contents guided by the China Association for Cultural Relics Protection and Technology, and successfully Incubated the first national university virtual digital human micro-professional.

Based on the technical advantages and the accumulation of landing, the project has a strong market demand at home and abroad and a broad landing scene, and is expected to go to sea through the cross-border e-commerce platform to create greater social value.

World Heritage Young Team Roadshow

At the competition, Pan Myo-yin and Intakhab Alam Qadri took turns to introduce their projects, and their self-confident demeanor and fluent expression conquered the judges and the audience from various countries.

"After ten years of cultivation and fruitful work, the Belt and Road Initiative has started a new phase and a new journey.With the help of scientific and technological progress and international dialogue, "Living Heritage" integrates the avant-garde digital technology and traditional non-heritage culture, injects new momentum into the revitalization of international culture and exposition on the construction of the New Silk Road that crosses thousands of years and stretches over 10,000 miles, and demonstrates the broad global vision of the international youth in the new era, the historical mission of sacrificing one's own life as well as the spirit of striving for a long time.

Yi Jianan, Director of the Department of Industry and Education Integration of Zhejiang African Service Center, communicated with the third prize winner, World Heritage Yong Team of Shenzhen University, after the competition.


Group photo

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the founding of SZU, the students of SZU are making steady progress and moving forward, and have once again delivered a satisfactory answer sheet. We believe that all the teachers and students of the School of International Exchange will work together, struggle tirelessly, and create another brilliant future!

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