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Student Development
"ISEE E-Venture” Global Youth Cross-Border E-Commerce Digital Marketing Training Camp: Shenzhen University Explores Alibaba's Innovation Hub
Author:        Time:2023-12-06 11:24        hits:

Project Background

In the era of cross-border live streaming and short videos, the booming blue ocean market has created a significant demand for talent in related industries. Simultaneously, major cross-border e-commerce platforms are increasing investments in multimedia marketing and the development of live streaming talents. The global expansion of Chinese enterprises and brands requires more foreign language "Silk Road Angels" as effective "spokespersons," bridging language and cultural gaps to directly connect with overseas consumers.

To promote the high-quality development of cross-border live streaming for product sales, Shenzhen University's International Student Development Center is pioneering new models for cultivating talents in cross-border hosting and marketing. Through educational reforms and active contributions to the local economy and society, the center aligns with the "Belt and Road" initiative, enhancing students' comprehensive practical abilities. In November 2023, the International Exchange School of Shenzhen University, in collaboration with Hangzhou HomieTech, initiated the "Guangdong Brand Going Global ISEE E-Venture" global youth cross-border e-commerce digital marketing training camp series. This collaboration strengthens the university's ties with international enterprises and supports the university's internationalization efforts while empowering international enterprises in Guangdong Province.

The project aims to foster collaboration among government departments, higher education institutions, international enterprises, and social organizations, providing robust support for the region's international development. Simultaneously, the initiative seeks to cultivate highly skilled, versatile international talents with a profound understanding of industries, a global foresight, and an innovative spirit. This effort aims to mutually benefit talents and regional development, sparking innovative vitality and transforming talent advantages into the driving force for high-quality development.

Event Introduction

On December 1, 2023, under the guidance of Ms. Chen Mo, the director of Shenzhen University's International Student Development Center, over 30 undergraduate, master's, and doctoral students embarked on an eagerly anticipated corporate visit to Alibaba's Shenzhen International Headquarters. They gained an up-close experience of the industry's pulse. Participants included students from 15 countries, including Pakistan, Malaysia, Kyrgyzstan, Sri Lanka, South Korea, Nigeria, Gambia, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Serbia, Cameroon, Mongolia, Ecuador, Gabon, and Thailand.

Yiben, a co-founder of Shenzhen 1688 team, warmly welcomed everyone and curated an immersive and inspiring atmosphere for the entire event. Students captured the beginning of this unforgettable journey with a collective photo at the entrance of Alibaba Center. Staff vividly showcased the company's development history and corporate culture, elaborating on Alibaba's ESG principles, environmental initiatives, and the social benefits achieved through philanthropic activities. This provided students with a deeper understanding of the exceptional aspects of this leading internet company.

Yien introduced the working areas of the Shenzhen headquarters, emphasizing the comfortable office environment and the meticulous office zones, highlighting Alibaba's commitment to low-carbon environmental protection. Additionally, the design of the activity area not only served as a venue for large-scale events but also transformed into a late-night dining space for employees during overtime, showcasing the company's care for its workforce. The layout of the entire office space demonstrated a diverse working philosophy, offering employees a flexible and creative work environment.

In-Depth Industry Exploration: Exchange and Discussion

Following the tour, a unique corporate culture exchange session unfolded. The event began with a video playback of Jack Ma's entrepreneurial memoir, leaving a profound impact on the audience with his compelling speech in perfect English. The video's conclusion was met with enthusiastic applause. Subsequently, Yib Ben and Vince shared the distinctive features and network advantages of 1688 and Lazada. They provided detailed answers to students' questions, which ranged from sharing their shopping experiences on the websites to inquiries about webpage operations, business scopes, and service areas. This interaction allowed students to gain a deeper understanding of Alibaba's development in the e-commerce industry and the future prospects for employment. It also conveyed the people-centric corporate culture. In the lively Q&A session, students developed a clearer understanding of their future career paths, and the entire event concluded in a satisfying atmosphere.


With the flourishing development of the internet, the digital economy has become a crucial bridge connecting people worldwide. This event not only provided visiting students with a deep understanding of the operations of internet enterprises but also encompassed aspects such as supply chain management, marketing strategies, and customer service. Through interactions with Alibaba, the students gained a better grasp of industry standards and best practices.

The exchange with company employees allowed the participants to acquire a clearer understanding of the industry's career development paths and future trends. This in-depth knowledge is invaluable for the students in making career choices and pursuing their professional studies. The interaction with students from different countries not only broadened the participants' international perspectives but also deepened their understanding of the global business environment.

The visit to the e-commerce company offered students a comprehensive opportunity to understand the e-commerce industry and apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios. This experience will aid them in better facing future professional challenges. Looking forward, we anticipate more profound exchanges and interactions, collectively propelling the e-commerce industry to new heights on a global scale!

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