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The 2nd CIESZU Summer Camp officially opened
Author:        Time:2024-07-15 17:33        hits:

At 9:00 am on July 14, 2024, the 2nd CIESZU Summer Camp officially opened. On this sunny and vibrant summer morning, the summer camp welcomed a new group of children who were full of curiosity and expectations.

The theme of this summer camp is “Dream FUN, Dream for the Future”. 18 international students from Turkey, Argentina, Vietnam, Italy, Serbia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Colombia, Bolivia, Japan, Brazil, Nigeria, Pakistan, Morocco, Kenya, South Korea, Myanmar and the Philippines serve as teachers. The course covers science and technology, art, sports and other aspects of different countries, aiming to show children a colorful picture of various cultures, so that children can learn and grow while having fun, broaden their horizons, and enrich their knowledge.

With an enthusiastic opening by the host, the opening ceremony of the camp was officially kicked off. The host expressed a warm welcome to the children and showed them a summer camp schedule full of fun and challenges. Qin Qing, Deputy Secretary of the General Party Branch of CIESZU welcomed the children with warm and inspiring words, focusing on “one welcome, two thanks, three hopes, and four expectations”, expressed her gratitude to the staff and children who participated in the summer camp and conveyed the expectations and blessings of the college to the children, hoping that they can not only gain knowledge but also develop international perspective and cross-cultural communication ability, and harvest a rewarding, happy and memorable journey.

After Secretary Qin’s speech, Skuratovych Nadiia from Ukraine sang a lively Ukrainian song for the children. This not only enlivened the atmosphere, but also let the children feel the unique charm of foreign culture.

Subsequently, international students serving as teachers appeared one by one, showed the children their own teaching characteristics and cultural backgrounds with short but vivid introductions. All children are full of curiosity and expectations for the upcoming course. Volunteers will also provide assistance and support during the camp to ensure that every child can have a safe and enjoyable learning experience.

After the children and teachers got to know each other, a dazzling magic show brought the atmosphere to a climax. Then came the special course session designed by international students from Turkey, Vietnam, Argentina, Kenya and Italy. A student from Turkey firstly introduced the special characteristics of Turkish culture, which gave the children a deeper understanding of the country. A student from Vietnam took the children into the mysterious world of Southeast Asia, introducing the basic information about Vietnam and highlighting the customs of the Lunar New Year in Vietnam. Next, a student from Argentina introduced their special animals, showing the unique natural and ecological civilization of Argentina. Another student from Kenya told the children about the phenomenon of animal migration in Kenya, which aroused the children’s curiosity and longing for this distant continent. Finally, a Chinese Italian student performed Peking Opera for the children. From the wonderful performance, we could see the students’ devotion and felt their strong love for traditional Chinese culture.

After the special course session, international students from Morocco brought special drum music and fun games to the children. The children ended their first experience of the summer camp in a fun-filled classroom. The atmosphere was warm and harmonious.

As the host announced the conclusion of the opening ceremony, all children and teachers together took the first precious group photo in front of the camera. This marks the fun time of the summer camp, and the starting point of the new journey ahead.

The opening ceremony came to an end in laughter. Through the special course session, the children’s interest has also increased. In the following arrangements of the summer camp, we will continue to carry out of cultural exchange and handicraft experience courses of 18 different countries. We hope that in the coming days, all children can have fun, gain knowledge and foster friendship!

The 2nd CIESZU Summer Camp is the brand activity of the College of International Exchange, aiming to serve the Shenzhen University Community and the children of SZU faculty and staff. Based on the success of the first summer camp last year, the 2nd CIESZU Summer Camp has been upgraded and innovated, with enriched course content, enhanced class experience, allowing children to enjoy diverse cultures in an immersive way.

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