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Sensing China·Traditional Culture Experience Series Activity-Traditional Chinese Painting
Author:        Time:2024-05-20 17:01        hits:

On the afternoon of May 20, 2024, the College of International Exchange held a unique traditional Chinese Painting activities, which attracted many international students to participate. The theme of this activity is to teach international students to draw lychees and grapes in Chinese paintings, which are often used as symbols of good luck and harvest in Chinese paintings. The event aims to inherit and promote the traditional Chinese painting art, and also provides an opportunity for international students to have an in-depth understanding of Chinese culture.

At the beginning of the activity, the Chinese painting teacher first introduced the basic knowledge and skills of Chinese painting to the international students, including the holding method of the brush, the allocation of ink color and the basic steps of painting. Afterwards, the teacher explained in detail the drawing skills of lychees and grapes, how to use lines to outline the shape of the fruit, and how to express the fullness and crystal clarity of the fruit through color.

Under the guidance of the teacher, the students picked up the brush and began their own creation. They tried to figure out the teacher's explanation, carefully observed the samples, and sketched the shapes of lychees and grapes with one stroke. Despite the difficulties encountered in the process, everyone showed great patience and perseverance, and kept trying and revising.

After two hours of hard work, the students finished their works. Although their works have different styles, they all show the unique charm of Chinese painting art.

The Chinese painting teaching activities not only let the students have a deep understanding of the traditional Chinese painting art, but also let them feel the broad and profound Chinese culture. At the same time, the activities also enhance the friendship among international students and promote the harmonious atmosphere of the College of International Exchange.

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