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给海外留学博士生的一封信 A Letter to International PhD Students
作者:        发布时间:2020-08-20 19:58        点击数:


A Letter to International PhD Students


Dear international PhD students,


As the COVID-19 pandemic ravages all parts of the world, the year 2020 has seen myriad changes. In the toughest times of the fight against the pandemic, you sent badly needed masks from thousands of miles away, and took the initiative to fight alongside the Chinese people. We will remember your best wishes and acts of support to China, which has further witnessed the strong friendship between the Chinese people and the peoples across the world.


With the COVID-19 virus still looming over the world, some countries and regions have adopted different entry restrictions to prevent the spread of the outbreak, which has affected non-governmental exchanges. However, we have hope and believe that the international community will join hands to defeat the pandemic and that spring is sure to come.


Amidst the fight against the pandemic, your health and safety has been our top concerns. According to Article 8 of theAdministrative Measures for International PhD Students in Shenzhen University, international PhD students will be enrolled in full-time doctoral programs with a general duration of three years. The duration can be extended to a maximum of five years if students cannot graduate on time due to special reasons. Students can continue to enjoy the basic scholarship, financial aid and accommodation discount offered by Shenzhen University in the first year of the extended period, and will no longer enjoy the above benefits in the rest years of the extended period. In addition, international PhD students must spend an accumulation of at least one year and a half at Shenzhen University on course study and scientific research. Therefore, in order to ensure that you can continue to enjoy the benefits provided by the University, students who are unable to enter China and return to the university apply for a suspension of studies and suspend receiving the basic scholarship and financial aid. When you are able to return, you can apply to resume your studies, scholarships and financial aid.


Dear students, virus respects no borders. We wish you a safe return to the university!



Shenzhen University

August 6, 2020
