时间:2015年6月28日 上午10:00—12:00
1、 美食(自制)、美景(提供电子版,学校统一制作易拉宝)。
2、 国旗、民族服装、摊位装潢。
3、 载歌载舞、乐器演奏。
优秀奖 (奖金400元)
Program for The International Cultural Festival
at Shenzhen University
The SZU information day —June 28th2015 (Sunday)— is coming soon! Thousands of Shenzhen citizens including prospective undergraduates will visit the University. For citizens to better experience an international-friendly campus culture, and for our international students to showcase their unique national traditions and attractions, we are much delighted to be holding this international cultural event in conjunction with the university information day.
Please see more details of the program for the festival below and you are welcome to come join us!
Time and Venue
The International Cultural Festival will be heldfrom 10:00 am to noonon June 28th2015, atthe SZU Yuanping Stadium.
How to Organize
In this cultural event, our international students will present the highlights of their national heritages in exhibition, where each exhibit booth stands for a specific country (or in special cases, countries with few exhibitors could share a booth).
The exhibition will be showcased in the following three perspectives:
1. Homemade delicacies! Exotic landscapes!
Note: Exhibitors provide a soft copy of the booth display and the University collectively prints out the roll- up banner stands.
2. National flags! Folk costumes! Booth decorations with cultural identities!
3. Singing! Dancing! Performing with musical instruments!
What to Expect
An evaluation of the event will be held and our exhibitors will be awarded with not only rewards, but also certificates.
5 First Prizes (1000RMB for each)
10 Second Prizes (800RMB for each)
10 Third Prizes (600RMB for each)
Merit Prizes (400RMB for each)
国籍 Nationality
| 负责老师 Teacher
| 联系电话 Contact
| | 国籍 Nationality
| 负责老师 Teacher
| 联系电话 Contact
韩国 South Korea
| 郑璐
| 13410297336
| | 厄瓜多尔 Ecuador
| 吴晓彤
| 13692295159
白俄罗斯 Belarus
| | | | 朝鲜 North Korea
| | |
| | | | 塞尔维亚 Serbia
| | |
俄罗斯 Russia
| 李幼飞
| 13760353401
| | 赞比亚 Zambia
| | |
赤道几内亚 Equatorial Guinea
| | | | 保加利亚 Bulgaria
| | |
| | | | 菲律宾 The Philippines
| | |
日本 Japan
| 马晓婷
| 13480179355
| | 阿富汗 Afghanistan
| | |
越南 Vietnam
| | | | 喀麦隆 Cameroon
| | |
| | | | 约旦 Jordan
| | |
土耳其 Turkey
| 陈玉君
| 13590202332
| | 津巴布韦 Zimbabwe
| | |
阿根廷 Argentina
| | | | 塔吉克斯坦 Tajikistan
| | |
| | | | 以色列 Isreal
| | |
哈萨克斯坦 Kazakhstan
| 田世霞
| 15099907297
| | 罗马尼亚 Romania
| | |
墨西哥 Mexico
| | | | 土库曼斯坦 Turkmenistan
| | |
| | | | 澳大利亚 Australia
| | |
泰国 Thailand
| 张海婷
| 13424179110
| | 奥地利 Austria
| | |
| | | | 芬兰 Finland
| | |
| | | | 摩洛哥 Morocco
| | |
法国 France
| 周永强
| 13928456956
| | 埃及 Egypt
| | |
意大利 Italy
| | | | 斐济 Fiji
| | |
| | | | 马来西亚 Malaysia
| | |
也门 Yemen
| 周静
| 13424266586
| | 黎巴嫩 Lebanon
| | |
美国 USA
| | | | 南非 South Africa
| | |
| | | | 安哥拉 Angola
| | |
加纳 Ghana
| 李笑通
| 13424301515
| | 阿尔及利亚 Algeria
| | |
巴基斯坦 Pakistan
| | | | 刚果Republic of Congo
| | |
| | | | 尼日尔 Niger
| | |
乌克兰 Ukraine
| 邱凤英
| 18922872573
| | 乌干达 Uganda
| | |
爱尔兰 Ireland
| | | | 伊拉克 Iraq
| | |
| | | | 斯里兰卡 Sri Lanka
| | |
巴西 Brazil
| 黄维维
| 13510588836
| | 玻利维亚 Bolivia
| | |
孟加拉 Bangladesh
| | | | 希腊 Greece
| | |
| | | | 格鲁吉亚 Georgia
| | |
德国 Germany
| 黄巍
| 13632578796
| | 新西兰 New Zealand
| | |
委内瑞拉 Venezuela
| | | | 瑞士 Sweitzerland
| | |
| | | | 乍得 Chad
| | |
哥伦比亚 Columbia
| 周玉鹤
| 18675596278
| | 几内亚 Guinea
| | |
叙利亚 Syria
| | | | 爱沙尼亚 Estonia
| | |
| | | | 葡萄牙 Portugal
| | |
西班牙 Spain
| 张玲
| 18603042610
| | 挪威 Norway
| | |
伊朗 Iran
| | | | 巴拿马 Panama
| | |
| | | | 肯尼亚 Kenya
| | |
印度 India
| 费莹莹
| 18680662280
| | 匈牙利 Hungary
| | |
波兰 Poland
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
英国 UK
| 王鸿雁
| 13714008801
| | | | |
蒙古 Mongolia
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
加拿大 Canada
| 卓静静
| 15814089406
| | | | |
吉尔吉斯斯坦 Kyrgyzstan
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
瑞典 Sweden
| 袁苏霞
| 13316955100
| | | | |
荷兰 Netherlands
| | | | | | |