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College of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering
Program and Supervisor Profiles(Chemistry)
Author:        Time:2022-01-10 17:02        hits:





Since the authorization of the Doctoral program in 2021, the Chemistry discipline in Shenzhen University formed a complete talent training system for undergraduate, master, and doctoral degrees.

As the first-tier discipline doctoral degree program, the Chemistry discipline has been forming the following (including but not limited to) four disciplines and research interests: analytical chemistry, polymeric chemistry and physics, inorganic chemistry, and physical chemistry. The proposed goal is to find a new mechanism of training creative talents of chemistry, to cultivate students with smart thoughts, professional quality, strong practical ability, and leadership in chemistry and relevant fundamental fields in the future.


Frontier in Chemistry, Academic Writing, Advanced Organic Chemistry, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Advanced Instrumental Analysis


Graduates will be able to follow careers in the chemical sciences for both academic and industry.





Chuanxin He



Professor Chuanxin He is now the Assistant Dean of College of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Shenzhen University. He received his PhD in polymer chemistry and physics from University of Science and Technology of China in 2010. He joined the Department of Chemistry at Shenzhen University in 2010, promoted to Associate Professor in 2012 and Professor in 2019.His current research interesting is to design and synthesize novel nanostructure materials for fuel cells, water splitting and electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide. So far, he published more than 110 journal papers, including Nature CommunicationsJournal of the American Chemical Society, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, and so on.



Xiaopeng Li



Prof. Xiaopeng Li started his independent career as Assistant Professor at Texas State University in 2012, then moved to University of South Florida in 2016, and was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in 2019. In 2020, Dr. Li returned to China and joined Shenzhen University as Tencent Founders Alumni Professor. His major research interests include mass spectrometry, supramolecular chemistry based on coordination-driven self-assembly, and supramolecular materials. In recent years, his lab is 1) developing multivalent coordination-driven self-assembly strategy guided by increasing the Density of Coordination Sites (DOCS) within discrete structures, 2) using multi-dimensional mass spectrometry to advance the characterization of metallo-supramolecules with increasing complexity, and 3) seeking the novel applications of metallo-supramolecules. Dr. Li has authored or coauthored over 220 research publications in the top-tier journals, including Science, Nature, Nature Chem., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem., etc. Prof. Li’s work received broad recognition in the field of supramolecular chemistry and mass spectrometry. Dr. Li was awarded 2019 Cram Lehn Pedersen Prize in Supramolecular Chemistry from the Royal Society of Chemistry. The other awards and achievements include Cottrell Scholar Award (2015), Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC, 2017), Shenzhen Outstanding Young Scholar (2020), the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (2021), etc.



Lingna Sun



Lingna Sun is currently a Professor at College of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China. She received the Ph.D. degree from Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, in 2007. The main interests of her research are as follows: Batteries, the controlled synthesis and electrochemical properties of electrode materials (e.g. lithium-ion batteries, sodium-ion batteries, lithium-sulfur batteries, etc); Electro-catalysts, the controllable preparations, formation mechanisms and electro-catalytic activities of electro-catalysts. She has published more than 60 research papers on many journals, such as Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Power Sources, Nanoscale, etc.



Zhang Xueji



Dr. Xueji Zhang is vice president of Shenzhen University, Member of Russian Academy of Engineering, Fellow of American Institute for Medical & Bioengineering, and Fellow of Royal Chemical Society. He also serves as the co-Editor in Chief of Sensors & Diagnostics. His research interests span the disciplines of chemistry, biology, materials and medicine with an emphasis on studies of biosensing, biomedicine and biomaterials. His lab focuses on the development of novel biosensors, artificial intelligence sensors, tools and devices to study free radicals, cancer biomarkers, profiling changes in animal or human associated with diseases and exploiting this information for development of diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. In addition, his group investigates drug delivery, new energy and natural medicines. The impact of his work is documented in over 180 granted patents, about 600 peer-reviewed journal papers  with >29,000 citations, 8 books, over 150 keynote/invited lectures and seminars at national, international conferences and institutions. He ranked as the Top 2% Outstanding Scientist in the world by Stanford University. His work is also closely tied to industry and government to which he has licensed a few biosensing technologies and affected some government regulations.



Xuechang Zhou



Prof. Xuechang Zhou received his BS in polymer chemistry from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2005, and MPhil and PhD degrees in chemistry from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2007 and 2010, respectively. From 2010 to 2014, he worked as a Postdoctoral researcher at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He joined Shenzhen University in 2014. In 2019, he obtained financial support from the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars of China. Currently, he is a Distinguished Professor at Shenzhen University. His current research interests include tough hydrogels, flexible electronics, and surfaces and interfaces.  So far, he has achieved more than 100 high-quality research outputs in top-tier journals, such as Angew. Chem., Nat. Commun. etc. The total citation number of his papers is over 3500 with an H-index of 33.



Yongxiang Gao



Prof Yongxiang Gao obtained his PhD in Physics from McGill University. He has postdoctoral experiences in several world-class universities, including Oxford University. He was awarded Marie-Curie Fellow from the European commission, One-Hundred Youth Talent Scholar of Shaanxi Province, and Shenzhen Overseas High-Level Talent. His research focuses on soft matter, with a particular effort on developing advanced chemical methods for controlling the morphology and site-specific chemistry of colloids with high precision and using them as model systems to tackle challenging problems in the field of condensed matter physics, self-assembly, active matter, and micro/nanomotors. His group has published 35 articles in world-renowned journals, such as Physical Review Letters, Macromolecules, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Journal of Materials Chemistry A and Soft Matter. His research has received funding from Natural Science Foundation of China, Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong, Guangdong Provincial Department of Education, and Natural Science Foundation of Shenzhen.



Hongwei Mi



Hongwei Mi is currently an associate professor at Shenzhen University. Her current research interests include the fabrication of micro-nano structured materials, application of piezoelectric/ferroelectric effect in battery, solid state electrolyte and solid state battery, design of high efficient photocatalyst for hydrogen production as well as nitrogen fixation. So far, she has achieved more than 70 high-quality research outputs in journals, such as Advanced Energy Materials, Nano Energy, etc. 



Junmin Zhang



Prof. Junmin Zhang received his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from Sun Yat-sen University (P. R. China) in 2010. Then, he conducted a postdoctoral training in Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) from 2010 to 2014. He is then an associate professor and group leader of organic chemistry in Shenzhen University (P. R. China). His research interests include green organic synthesis & catalysis, asymmetric synthesis, as well as functional materials & catalytic applications. He has published over 70 peer-reviewed papers with a citation more than 2000 times and H-index 23.



J. Chen




Prof J Chen has worked in the areas of water and wastewater treatment, advanced separation and resource recovery. He focuses on research work on innovative nano-scale adsorbents and highly effective membrane technology. He has finished over 20 projected funded by NSFC and others and published about 150 journal papers with citation above 17500. He is listed as one of top 2% scientists in the world. He has 12 patents, four of which are being commercialized.



Liu Changkun



Associate Professor Liu Changkun is engaged in scientific research in the Department of Environmental Engineering, School of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Shenzhen University. He is currently the tutor of master and doctoral students. His research is focused on the preparation and application of adsorbents, membranes, oil-water separation materials and solar evaporation materials, as well as surface modification, water desalination and water pollution control in the environmental field. He has published more than 80 papers in journals such as Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Journal of Membrane Science, Desalination, etc., and has authorized more than 10 invention patents.



Zhou Liu



Prof. Zhou Liu received his B.S.E. degree in Thermal engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from University of Hong Kong. He is currently an associate professor in the College of Chemical and Environmental Engineering in Shenzhen University. His research interests include microfluidics and soft matter. He has published more than 50 papers in peer-reviewed journals including Angewandte Chemie, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials and Lab on a Chip. He also applied for 10 patents and got several competitive funding from NSFC and NSFC-Guangdong. He received the Silver Award of the Geneva International Invention Exhibition (2018, 2019), the Second Prize of the Basic Research Achievement Award of the Chemical Society of China (2022), Shenzhen Overseas High-level Talent Category B (2021), Excellent Young Scientist of Shenzhen University (2021) et al. 

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